Fernando pounded me really good
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Fernando pounded me really good is the perfect film to celebrate BeefCakeHunter Land 6th anniversary and my birthday week!
This encounter has almost everything you the Hunters love to watch. I can go ahead now and highlight those details or just go ahead and describe the scene, I think I am choosing the later 😉
The morning came when Beefcake Fernando and I had arranged to shoot, but apparently, he had second thoughts and he was not answering my calls. At that point I decided to abort the mission getting ready to leave the BCH studio, then he rang me to tell me to send him an Uber to pick him up, I got so excited! But at the same time, I was not expecting a great performance.
The first thing I wanted Fernando to do was to take a warm shower, then I made him sit at the bed’s edge to chat for a while, before getting down on my knees between his legs. Out of the conversation, the most important thing I learned was that he was horny 🙂
Of course, I started with his big balls, gradually awakening his delicious cock, all this while he was giving me that horny look, something that we love here at BCH right? His soft moaning was the perfect background melody that I needed to deep-throat him and perform a passionate rimming on him, the perfect chance to enjoy the view of his sexy legs and feet. But Beefcake Fernando is more of a “taking charge” kind of guy, so in this oral session he gave me a long-standing face-fuck!
Obviously, with this being the first time he fucked me, I got on my fours waiting for that hard cock to plug me, what I was not expecting was how good the fuck would be, it is worth to mention that during the whole pounding we can enjoy his butt reflected in the mirror.
This was a long and intense fuck, but there was a moment during this Fernando pounded me really good video that he took a break. Allowing me some time to catch my breath 😉 and right before we continue, he shyly asked me to rim him again, I did not wait a second to fulfill his request! He really loves that!
The remaining time of the pounding after the rimming-break was as intense or more than the first part, he took me to BCH Heaven! What came next was what put the cherry on top of the cake, he made me lay on my stomach which brought his face closer to mine, allowing me to feel his labored breathing and sweat! Yeah… he is a young bull for sure!
The great finale for this Fernando pounded me really good video had to include some more rimming while he jerked off to bless me with his delicious young jizz! An amazing way to celebrate yet another year of BeefCakeHunter!
I hope you guys enjoy this video, I appreciate your support all these years, these are uncertain times but I would do everything within my possibilities to continue entertaining you, please stay safe, love you!
Fernando pounded me really good

Happy Bday dear Vic! Thank you for letting us enjoy these delicious Beefcakes!!! Fernando was amazing, he’s so hot. I’d like to be pounded by him. Congratulations!! You always have the best machos,
Thank you my friend! I am so happy that you enjoy Fernando so much! 🙂
Vic my luv, u r my idol! U flipped his legs up 2 God and dove in and made me so proud of u! Exposing feet and all, u ate him up, u deserve a great birthday and have a drink on me! Next time, have him call u the dirty fag ho I want to be!!!
Thanks baby, I had several drinks on you lol I knew you would love this scene 🙂
Oh yeah, I luv the way he fucked u like a dog breathing in your ear!
Yeah I LOVED it! I don’t usually go back to watch the videos right after their release, but on this one…ummm
Hello, I absolutely loved this video. Fernando knows how to make love, and the way he whisper to your ear was amazing. I love the fact that you rim him and you worship him. The only where I was slighty dissapoint, it’s the fact you forgot to lick his beautiful feet and soles, and suck his toes. It has been more than 6 months that we dont have a scene with feet worshipping. I hope scenes with feet worshipping. And for some of them, they deserves to get their soles licked and their toes sucked (clean them before if you want to be more comfortable. I would suggest you to lick the feet and soles, suck the toes of these guys who are Kane, Justin, Christian, Josue, Arjun, Fernando, Brad, Jacobo, Kip. And if these comeback a day Gabriel, Will, Antonio, Kevin…
I hope we will see feet worshippinhg like you do to Abdel soon.
But this scene was fantastic, I like this wonderful website, the nice and beautiful owner who is very passionate. I wish you the best for you and your website and be careful. LONG LIVE TO BCH
I am so happy that you love this video baby, for sure Fernando knows how to fuck, if there is another opportunity with this sexy young Beefcake I will kiss his feet, thanks for your support and you kind words baby 😉
Por favor pon subtítulos en español a tus vídeos. ( Please ad subtitles in Spanish to the videos)
Me encantaría mi amigo, pero me es difícil en este momento, espero me entiendas, te agradezco tu apoyo, besos 🙂 ( I would love to my friend, but it is not easy at this moment, I hope you understand, thanks for your support, kisses 🙂 )
Right? 😉
Wow. Amazing. Just incredible. Everything about this video was perfect. He is really irresistible – such a stud
I am so happy to know that you consider it as such, thanks baby for comment 🙂
Thank you baby! 🙂
i been subscribing for years never has anyone fucked as good as Fernando. And his stamina and changing of positions. You need more 18 year olds on here. He was amazing. I hope he was paid well he really worked hard
Yes he was well paid, and you are right, one of the best fucks I have received 😉
He really gave you a hot fuck Victor. Love that he loves getting rimmed.
Yes he did, I am glad you enjoyed this baby 🙂
This is fucking hot ??? more of him!!!
Right? Yeah we need more Fernando 🙂
Víctor, guapo y lindo este muchacho..me gustaría una noche con el.. ( Victor, handsome and cute kid.. I would love tp spend a night with him..)
Creo que una noche no seria suficiente jajajaja, thanks for comment my friend 🙂 ( I don’t think just a night would be enough hahahah, thanks for comment my friend 🙂 )
Victor – Happy birthday! Fernando is hot and sexy. I really enjoyed the way he was fucking you on your stomach. I would love to see him cum in you in that position. I like to see you being dominated. The kid sure knows to fuck ass, and you know how to take it. More of Fernando, please!
Thanks my friend! yes he is hot and sexy and knows how to fuck, I really enjoyed been fucked on my stomach, I will get the Beefcakes to pound me like that often, thanks for comment baby 🙂
I knew he’d be back for some ass! What an absolute sweetheart! He sure knows what to do with his amazing 18 yr old cock! He fucked you like an 18 yr old should. Happy Birthday to you Vic!
Thank you! yes he did, I am wondering how good he will fuck in his mid twenties 😉
A star in the making, please have him come back, definitely hands down best so far!
I will do my best to have him back my friend 🙂
Happy Birthday my love!!!! This scene was perfect for your ? Birthday!!! Fernando fucked you like it was no tomorrow!!!! I enjoyed everything❤? ? love love Fernando…Happy Birthday day and many more after all these years at BCH Land….im still here following you.????
Thank you baby! What a way to celebrate my bd and another BCH anniversary right? I am glad you enjoy this video so much! 🙂
This is without a doubt my favorite video of all time! And Fernando is honestly amazing I love how he likes getting his ass eaten. Amazing job Vic hopefully we can keep him coming back for more!
You are right, one of the best fucks, I am so happy that you enjoyed this baby 🙂
Why not kissing him?! He was sooo ready!
Maybe next time? It was really HOT!!!!
lol yeah maybe next time 😉
Vic! This is the best video I have ever seen! I’m a huge Marcus fan…that vid you both did in November 2017 is one of my all-time favorites. Now this one…whoa! I noticed the same screen as that one you did with Marcus and I got excited but Fernando was everything! Keep doing what you’re doing! I noticed, like someone else said, that there was a moment where it looked like he wouldn’t mind if you had kissed him but straight men are so difficult to figure out when it comes to that. Bravo! Absolutely incredible! And the camera views…you’re a pro!
I am glad you keep adding your favorite BCH videos to your collection baby!Again everybody keep saying that he was ready for a kiss lol I guess I was so in a trance that I couldn’t realize it myself lol Thanks for your support baby! 🙂
Vic I honestly envy your job ? ??? I need to meet a Fernando ?? great job Vic?
I am glad you enjoy my work my friend, thanks for comment 🙂
Este video es tan pero tan perfecto que no sé por donde empezar!
1. Volvemos a tener un momento shower, algo que hacía mucho tiempo no teníamos por aquí.
2.Cuando veo este set es un símbolo de que se viene un buen video y casi nunca me equivoco con ello.
3.El control que toma Fernando en el oral. Me encanta de la manera tan natural que lo hace, de una manera muy sexy y me encantaba cuando se miraba así mismo en el espejo. Fueron pequeños instantes pero QUE INSTANTES!
4. Se ve que Fernando disfruta del rimming y se vé que tú tambien disfruta con ello o eso o es que actúas muy bien! jajaj
5. La manera en que te folla Fernando. Es algo primitivo y animal, muy muy caliente. Me encantó cuando te coge de las caderas y se pone con las rodillas flexionadas a follarte. Es una postura que me encanta y que vemos poco por aquí, queremos más!. Y ya luego para rematar cuando se acuesta encima y sigue follándote.
Sin duda esta escena entra en mi top. Fernando me encanta, los rubios de ojos claros me pierden, pero además tiene una voz y un acento muy sexy.
Espero que haya prçoxima vez con él, dile que no tenga miedo en dominar porque lo hace increíble.
Y vIc, que decirte…muchas felicidades tanto por tu cumpleaños como por el cumpleaños de la web en la que tanto trabajas y tanto empeño pones por mejorar. Espero que haya Vic y beefcakehunter para largo.
Un abrazo fuerteeeeeee amigo y dame pista de lo que se podrá ver en las próximas semanas 🙂
No sabes lo feliz que me hace saber que disfrutaste mucho este video mi amigo! ya era hora de un shower verdad? estábamos un poquitos sucios ;),
no entendí muy bien a que te refieres cuando dices que cuando ves el set , ya sabes si el video estera buenísimo, lo que no entendí es a que te refieres con “set” jajaja, seguro es mi castellano que es muy malo jajajaja. Lo que si te entendí clarísimo, y estoy de acuerdo contigo un 100% es que todo el acto sexual con esta belleza de muchacho fue lo mas orgánico que pueda existir, primitivo y animal , y esa cojida con rodillas dobladas me hizo sentir esa polla hasta la garganta! jajaja, ya cuando estaba acostado y el encima mío, ya estaba en otro mundo, e inclusive ya me había olvidado de que estaba filmando. Esas gotas calientes de sudor, esa respiración caliente fue como estar en el cielo.Estoy seguro que Fernando no tendra ningún problema en ser siempre dominante si llegase a regresar a BCH. Muchas gracias por tus deseos y apoyo mi amigo. Pista de los que viene pronto: el regreso de uno que todos aman y que solo tiene una escena en el sitio 😉
Omg Vic i got this video on REPEAT!!!!i just cant help myself….i envy you…..oh my god i only can imagine him fucking me like that….vic he had you losiing your breath….oh i love me some Fernando…..what a amazing fuck
Baby you can repeat anytime you want 🙂
Happy Birthday Vic! What a fantastic birthday pounding gift this is, you definitely deserve the best. Fernando sure know how to FUCK! He is the perfect Top everyone is longing for. Thank you Fernando, you deserve performer of the year! And Victor, thank you for fulfilling many of our fantasies by eating a hunky straight man’s hole. Sooo HOT! Then you gobbled his juices! Thank you thank you Victor and Fernando. Amaazzziiiinnnnng!!!
Thanks my friend! You are right, this may be the performance of the year so far! Honestly I did enjoy rimming him, like I said it before I am not into that much but when I am,is not with every Beefcake lol, thank you my friend! 🙂
Congratulations, Vic. How can it be 6th anniversary already? It seems that I have been with you all that time. Time flies when you are watching a hot beefcake getting serviced by you. Fernando is a great find. He has one of the cutest asses of them all. I remember those big balls and how you loved them. He got hard really fast in anticipation. Always hot to see a beefcake grab your head and force you down on their dicks. He gave you his full attention while you blew him. His breathing was a give away as to how much you were pleasing him.Of course I wish he hadn’t shaved his pubes. Great the way he played his dick on your face. He gave you a very aggressive face fucking. Some how I didn’t expect the rim job you gave him, Vic. He looks good with his legs up in the air. I think that is the most rimming you have done. You can be selective whom you give that to. The split screen gave me that wonderful view of his cute ass pounding you. So hot when he had you on your stomach. How about Missionary next time. Can’t forget to wish you a very happy birthday along with my gratitude for providing me/us with a great site all these years.
Yeah baby, six years already wow! It seems like yesterday right? You are right, Fernando is a cutie all the way around, and those balls ummmm, the intensity of his full attention made the whole scene hotter and I agree with you about the pubes, but I knew he would make it up for you when he aggressively face fucked me right? and yes you are right, this may be the most rimming I have done and I ENJOYED it too. I really hope he is back and for missionary. The gratitude is mine baby, for been such a loyal fan all these years, thank you thank you thank you! 🙂
I will again comment. But the thing I loved the connection you have with, the way you touch and kiss his body, the way he react when you sucked by putting your hands on your heads. The fact there is connection between you and him, he let you rim him many times, when he fucked you the way approches his head to your head and whisper to you, I was like maybe you could do more to him. If he comeback you should worship him more, you should you know lay him in the bed share a smal intimate moment with hil, kiss his body, his arms, his hands. You should kiss him on the neck and ears while you massage his dick, maybe you could a kiss on his lips, but i’m not sure if it would be agree (or maybe he is like Reaper and would stole a kiss to you, let’s hope you will receive that haha) . He loves rimming so for sure they will be more I know. And maybe if you want, you worship his feet a little bit (I’M SO SORRY for the comment, yes I forget you are not into that, so yes licking the soles it’s too extreme for you lol, maybe quicly kiss them if you are ok and agree. And yes I suggest you way too much names and I dont want you to do that to everyone, even I kinda wish you do that for Fernando, Kane, Justin, Josue, Christian and Arjun, but it’s your choice 😉 and thank you for the scene where you includes that, I loved the fact you did somethings you are not into for us <3 <3 you are sweetheart, but never do kinky things you are way too cute and classy for that, you are perfect the way you are).
I think I write way too many comments lol, but yes it's a 10/10 for me. I wish the best, stay string and stay healthy during this situation, I hope after that you will get the best beefcakes and beefcakes <3 <3 <3
You are right my friend, Fernando and I had an instant performers connection, there was not much talking but the connection was there, that may be the reason why he felt so comfortable for the rimming part and more. I would LOVE to do to him the things you mentioned but I always try to let the comfortableness build with time, that will make things more natural.I think that I showed feet way more than other times right 😉 I am really happy to learn that you considered this scene a 10! You made me proud my friend, thanks for your support and comment 🙂
OMG…when you started rimming his ass…I totally lost it…shot so hard!!!
wow really! I am glad to know that 😉
Happy Birthday Vic!
Thank you baby! 🙂
FIINNNAAALLLYYYYY!!!!! I want to fuck him so badly. Nice job, Vick.
Thanks baby , I am so glad you enjoyed this a lot 🙂
More Fernando please. Love how he likes his ass eaten and fucks just like a rabbit
like a rabbit, lol that is great way to describe the fuck in this video, thanks for comment my friend 🙂
Victor I keep cumming back for more. Fernando is a great find! Next time, could you let us Hunters see his eyes? What an up and cumming stud!
Come back for this anytime baby, please cross your fingers and wish me luck so we can get Fernando back for more 🙂
Best fuck/video ever on Beefcahunter history!!!
Wow, that is great to know! thanks for comment baby 🙂
I wanna fuck his ass so damn bad
wow I see why 😉
That was so good I felt like I needed a cigarette after that and I don’t even smoke!!
Thaaank You
lol that was an amazing comment but yeah you are right, this scene deserves a cigarette or a glass of wine or beer at the end lol
That was very hot Vic! Fernando is such a hot guy. When he was laying on top of your back it almost looked like he was going to kiss you. It also looked like he was reaching for your cock when he put his hand under your crotch!
Yeah Fernando is a hottie! I loved when he was laying on my back, and it may look like he was reaching my cock, but he was actually grabbing my waist tight for more control or dominance of my body, that was hotttttt! Thanks for comment my friend 🙂
What a way to celebrate the 6th Anniversary/your birthday with the Fantastical Fernando. To be candid , I did not think Fernando would return even though he gave a great debut, and I ranked Josue the best of all the new and most recent beef cakes. Nevertheless, Fernando’s confident attitude and aggressive methods really impressed me. He knew what he wanted and was not afraid to ask for it. He loved to be rimmed, and it seemed to charge him up to pound you aggressively. Fernando gives me Sandro vibes in the way he jackhammered your hole. As always my BCH BFF, Frederick, are in agreement: Fernando looks good with his legs up and being rimmed (REPEAT: he seemed to really like it and a key to getting him hard). If these are his only 2 contributions to BCH Land, then Fernando has done his job and cemented himself as a great find for 2020.
Once again Happy 6th Anniversary, and thank you for bringing us quality models every week, consistently. Wednesdays are appointment viewing (Like Netflix :)) Furthermore, thanks for engaging with the membership through the comments section; I think that this aspect of the BCH site is just as integral to the experience as the videos. Finally, here’s to looking that you at least reach 10 years servicing, rimming, massaging (still lobbying for that theme) , and getting pounded by the likes of Jacobo, Jason, Justin (the Great Js), Kyle, Christian, Marcus (still need a replacement for the Jamaican sensation), Sandro, and Noel (the bugarron)!
You are right my friend, confident and aggressive sex drive are the best definitions to describe Fernando’s performance, it was an excellent way to celebrate BCH anniversary indeed!
Now that you mentioned, yes, his vibes resembles Sandro’s. I am happy that you agree with your BCH BFF Frederick and me about how good Fernando looks getting rimmed, have I already confessed that I enjoyed it a lot? lol I really hope is no the last we have seem from Fernando and it is , you are right, he made a name for himself at BCH this year.Thanks for your support my friend and your contribution the whole site experience by commenting, I am looking forward to keep entertaining you in the long run, please stay safe 🙂
Happy b’day Vic!! We share the same day…. =) … What a happy ending! If you could get him to talk … I’d melt all over the keyboard …. love you Vic!!!
Happy birthday to you as welly friend! I am actually on the 9th, and the site was launched on the 5th. I am thankful for your support all these years baby 😉
Excellent rimming! I know a lot of us hunters want to see more of that but, as a person who loves to rim Tops, I know you have to be very discriminating. You simply can’t rim most men. Unfortunately, many straight men don’t know how to properly prepare to get rimmed. But, when you find a Top who is prepared for you to rim, it is amazing foreplay!
Thanks for pointing out that my friend, it is true I can’t rim very man lol But I really enjoyed this time around with Fernando 😉
He is a dream I can’t wait to see him cum inside with a condom he is sexy
You are right, and I can’t wait to film with him again, he made me feel like a real slut lol , thanks for comment baby 🙂
Que bueno oír eso Vic. Con set me refiero a la habitación. Cuando grabas escenas en esa habitación de cortinas rojas normalmente los videos suelen ser muy buenos!!!
Apues que…Austin o Josue. Uno de los dos está al caer 🙂 ( Good to hear that Vic. I was meaning the bedroom. When you film in that bedroom with the red curtains, the videos are usually very good!! I think that Austin or Josue , one of them are about to show up 🙂 )
Oh ok , tienes razón, no me había dado cuenta jajaja, uno de los dos que mencionaste esta en camino 😉 ( Oh ok, you are right, I haven’t notice it hahaha, one of those two you mentioned is on his way 😉 )
This young dude I’d fucking BOSS! He’s is sexy as fuck! Vic it took this 18yr old to bring me back…that’s the way you should be fucked! I can’t wait to see him (and Brod) fuck you in the missionary position! Please bring Brod back for another fuck session!
Well thanks to Fernando then! welcome back baby. Having him fucking me missionary would be a dream! Please wish me luck so I can have him back, thanks for comment my friend 🙂
I love a wild stallion!!!!!! He came to put in work! I love how he has great conversation, nice and sexy!
I totally agree with you! Fernando is the whole package, it was really a pleasure to work with him, hopefully he decides to come back, thanks for comment my friend 🙂
This young man has a hot sexy vibe that goes well beyond his youth. He should make for some hot video on here for some time to come is my prediction.
I really hope you are right my friend, I hope he decides to come back soon 🙂
Vic I still keep coming back to Fernando….he can fuck good…and i know you enjoyed….
Me too, I keep coming back to his video, and you are right I really enjoyed it 🙂
We need more of him ?
I know baby I know, please wish me luck that he decides to come back 🙂
That young stud knows how to fuck!! And he loves his hairless ? licked. Omg, just so good
Yes he is very good at sex, a natural born performer 🙂
Fernando needs to come back! Sooo hot! I feel like he wants to do so much more
I know, I really want him back but I have not been able to, will keep trying 😉
Omg a 3some with Fernando and Abdel, or Fernando and Dominic… wow. I’d cream all night lol
Those will be 2 amazing threesomes, I hope they come true 🙂
Fernando is such a hottt guy and so wild when he gets into it! Definitely a strong contender for Favourite Beefcake 2020 for me 😉
You are right he is a strong contender for the tittle this year right? thanks for comment baby 🙂
Damn is the right word for Fernando’s performance 🙂
As I can not vote on Twitter, I woule like to give my vote for the first round to Fernando as Beefcake 2020 and to this scene as hottest scene in 2020 🙂 Second place: Austin (please bring him back 🙂
These two Beefcakes Are also in my personal favs for this year, voting coming soon baby 🙂
Omg he is amazing!
Yes he is, and this was one of the best pounding I have received, thanks for comment baby 🙂
When is he coming back he is the reason why i paid for the membership at BCH??
Working on that baby, working on that 🙂
Love asslicking
I am glad you do, because there are some rimming scenes here at BCH Land 🙂
este chico es una maquina no para nunca es lo que necesito yo ahora ( this kid is a fuck machine, he never stops, just what I need right now )
Si, Fernando tiene una buena energía para coger, delicioso , gracias por comentar mi amigo ? ( yes, Fernando has a good energy to fuck, delicious, thanks for comment my friend ?)
That position where he is laying on top of you while he fucks you is the most sexy and enjoyable position. The bodies touching whiule they are enjoying themselves is great.,
You are right, for me it was one of the best scenes of 2020! Thanks for comment baby 🙂
HOT. I loved watching Fernando’s ass in the mirror while he was pounding you. I wanted to bury my face between his cheeks while he did. Spectacular
Yeah Fernando is a great fucker and the perfect ass for those Ass Hunters 🙂
He’s one of the main character hot and wild
That is right, Fernando is a star! Thanks for comment baby 🙂