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Beefcake Jason is a hot Christmas miracle

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That is right, Hunters, Beefcake Jason is a hot Christmas miracle this year. Just in time for the holidays, he called me out of the blue to tell me he was in town and was looking to catch up with everything happening at BeefCakeHunter Land. The last thing I knew about Beefcake Jason was that he moved somewhere on the West Coast years ago. I couldn’t be happier and more excited to have the opportunity to shoot with him again, and I know a particular Hunter who will be exceptionally happy about this Legend being back at the BCH arena πŸ˜‰

As you Hunters can enjoy visually in this scene, Beefcake Jason has changed his overall looks. He has been working out, so he looks more like a Beefcake now, lol, and, of course, after five years, he is more mature and a sexy daddy.

For sure, Beefcake Jason is a hot Christmas miracle; there is no other explanation for him just appearing around this time, and I couldn’t hide my happiness and excitement of knowing that in a few seconds, I was going to have that delicious cock wrapped with my lips and tongue. But what was also on my mind at that moment was the image of the reactions of all Jason’s fans when they unwrapped this gift on Christmas Eve!

Beefcake Jason has always had hair in all the right places, and in this scene, he looks hairier than ever, especially on his chest, which is why I was very playful with it. He also has beautiful legs and feet, and I started the action in this video by worshipping his sexy hairy legs…yummy!

I won’t lie; Beefcake Jason was a little shy at first, taking me longer to get him totally in the “zone.” Still, I was relentless, and once I won him over, he was edging all the time while I was feasting between his legs; he kept making his signature facial expressions that brought so many good and hot memories! πŸ˜‰

I went freestyle all over his cock, and at the least expected moment, he announced that he was coming; I couldn’t believe it until I saw that explosion of a very creamy load that mainly landed on my face! After that, he went on to talk to you, the Hunters, wishing you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Prosperous New Year; what a moment in BCH History!

I hope you guys enjoy this video. Beefcake Jason is a hot Christmas miracle, and from the bottom of my heart, Happy Holidays! I am so grateful to bring you this video as a surprise and Christmas gift!

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  • December 24, 2023

    Well, slap my ass and call me Shirley! This is proof, NEVER count anyone out!
    I know I’m not the only one who still watches his material from time to time.
    After all these years, it really is a Christmas Miracle.
    Jason, you have SO many fans that miss you very much! Thanks for coming back to give us more!

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Hahaha you are right, we can NEVER count anyone out! He was a real miracle, and I am so happy how much you enjoyed him in this scene and all previous ones. Thanks for commenting baby πŸ™‚

  • MAB45 December 24, 2023

    I just woke up to MY Christmas present…thank you so much Vic!!! Omg Jason is finally back πŸ₯Ή he had no idea how much we missed him, and his extreme sexiness πŸ₯΅he looks FUCKING AMAZING! I’m giving this scene πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Please Jason give us [at least] one more hot-steamy MISSIONARY fuck!

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Missionary, riding, etc , all that and more I am looking forward to do with him, you are right, he had no idea how much we missed him, but now I think he does lol Thanks for commenting baby πŸ™‚

  • LMAG1973 December 24, 2023

    BEST SURPRISE EVER! Merry Christmas Vic!!

    • victor December 27, 2023

      I am gald you liked it. Merry Christmas my friend! πŸ™‚

  • Willyptown December 24, 2023

    Wow hotter and sweeter than ever…nice job Victor

    • victor December 27, 2023

      That is right baby, thanks for sharing that πŸ™‚

  • Riki December 24, 2023

    OMG VICCCCCC you made my Christmas soooo hot and horny! Miracles do cum true on Christmas day! Thank you for brining Jason back into BCH land. More of him pls in 2024 and Christian too!

    • victor December 27, 2023

      You are very welcome baby, I am looking forward for more with him this 2024, he is down for it! πŸ˜‰

  • motion1234 December 24, 2023

    Happy Happy Hunter here! Can’t wait to open this β€œpackage” πŸ™‚

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Hahahah I hope you loved the package! πŸ˜‰

  • LMAG1973 December 24, 2023

    As right now: SEXIEST MAN IN BCH HISTORY!!

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Wow I see you are a hardcore fan of Beefcake Jason, and with good reasons! πŸ™‚

  • motion1234 December 24, 2023

    He is perfection, and just as passionate and sexual as he ever was…… From the moment his hairy belly starts pulsating up as you pleasure his thick cock, to the incredible milky load, and his kind words at the end…… I could not be more happy…… I know you will do your best, but PLEASE, if you haven’t already, try and pull him in for a few more scenes before he goes west again. Jason, always has been, and always will be your very best on this site….. Merry Christmas Victor! Love you!!!!

    • victor December 27, 2023

      I love you too baby! Jason still incredible as always, a true BCH Legend! Good news are that we still in touch and planning to work more pretty soon, please wish me luck with that. Thanks for commenting my friend πŸ™‚

  • Aquarium17 December 24, 2023

    Jason is one of the reasons why I renew my subscription. This guy looks amazing and seems to be a nice guy

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Welcome back baby!He is amazing and nice πŸ™‚

  • December 24, 2023

    Love how big he is getting

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Right? a true Beefcake lol Thanks for commenting baby πŸ™‚

  • danirile80 December 24, 2023

    HO, HO,… Who you callin’ a HO?!
    Victor, this was indeed a Christmas miracle in BCH Land with the return of the original Great Js and BCH Legends, Jason. Someone needs to check on my BCH BFF , Frederick and make sure he is ok when he logs onto the site, LOL!

    Jason 2.0 is even better with his Dad-bod complete with that impossibly hairy chest and belly. Jason’s sex appeal stems from a combination of his physical appeal, his easy-going attitude, and his straight-guy naivete. Like Christian, Jason seems in awe and nervous like it’s his first time at BCH Land. My favorite image is when your lips touch Jason’s twitching penis the first time. He closes his eyes and throws his head back in anticipation and trepidation of your world-class servicing skills. To paraphrase another commenter, Jason’s belly started quivering like a “bowl full of jelly” and he was on his way to delivering you his ample “Christmas milk,” LOL!

    Jason just engendered himself even more to all the Hunters with his thank-you speech and shoutout to Frederick. Beefcake Hunters was definitely on fire for 2023, and this is just the frosting on the cake with the return of Jason. I hope he films a few more videos before he returns to the West Coast Porn Ether. This just shows if you are good little Hunters all year, Santa will reward you. With this surprise, it fuels my faith in the return of Christian , Dracke, Kyle, and Jacobo. Anything is possible!

    • victor December 27, 2023

      What a miracle right? And just in time for the holidays. I couldn’t be happier to bring this surprise gift to my dear Hunters, especially my friend Frederick, I know how much he loves Jason. You are right, Jason behaved like it was his first incursion into BCH territory, and that is what made the scene even hotter, along with his new look of sexy daddy, yummy! He said he will be back at least a couple of times more before he heads back to the West Coast, I can’t to have him visit my backdoor, as you, I have been a good Hunter this year, I deserve it lol Let’s keep that more miracles happen this coming year my friend. Thanks for commenting πŸ™‚

  • willieroth December 24, 2023

    HOLY SHIT! I swear I was just watching an old Jason scene a couple weeks ago and was wondering if we would ever see him again! Little did I know you had this Xxxmas ditty up your sleeve, Vic. And my goodness does he look amazing all mature and beefed up like that. This almost surpassed Santa Justin but he is still #1 Santa for me. Santa Jason is a very close second! This was an amazing and wonderful Christmas gift to the Hunters. Thank you!!!! And please say Jason will be back for more scenes???

    • victor December 27, 2023

      You are very welcome baby, and you see, miracles happen when we put energy on them. I am gald that like him as a Santa so much, and his new sexy daddy body. We agreed to make more videos after the holidays, please wish me luck with that πŸ˜‰

  • loveland December 24, 2023

    Vic ALWAYS gets the hottest Santas. Jason, Justin, Eric….the list goes on.

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Thanks baby, I am so happy that you like ALL my Santas! πŸ˜‰

  • cast4ron December 25, 2023

    loving the new Jason. please have him back πŸ™‚

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Yes baby I am working on that πŸ™‚

  • guysguy00 December 25, 2023

    Omg. He’s so hot with the extra hair etc. I would love to see his hairy daddy muscle ass now! I bet it’s incredible

    • victor December 27, 2023

      I am looking to show you that in our next scene. Thanks for commenting baby πŸ™‚

  • roberto December 25, 2023

    wow, wow. Victor there are several guys in your site that I like, but Jason has been my favorite Heterosexual man. I love this type of guys, confident of their sexuality but just love sex and BJs, one can see how Jason enjoys BJs he is my favorite. Jason thank you for giving the best Christmas present ever. But do not stay away for too long. Man I do miss you big time. jejeje just love your dude. have an excellent New Years the best for 2024.
    Victor, you so lucky to put your mouth around this beautiful and sexy dick.

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Jason will be very happy to read how much you have missed him. He really loves getting a bj and we are so lucky to provide him that anytime he wants. Thanks for commenting my friend πŸ™‚

  • orlntam December 25, 2023

    WOW! Jason is my #1 favorite; always has been. I hope you are sucking that handsome man’s beautiful cock, and getting fucked by it, into his 40s, 50s, and 60s, He is hot as fuck!

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Yes baby I will service him into the decades to cum! lol Thanks for commenting baby πŸ™‚

  • December 25, 2023

    Best Christmas surprise ever! Jason’s back and looking hotter than ever! All that hair was sent me crazy! It looked like that was the best head he’s had in a while. I’m so happy he seems to be sticking around for a while; hopefully, we can finally see you ride him! His little well wishes at the end were so cute too! Welcome home, Jason! <3

    • victor December 27, 2023

      I am so happy that you loved our present baby. Yes it looked like it has been a while since he had the proper oral attention, he is welcome back anytime, I am counting in see him again soon. Thanks for commenting my friend πŸ™‚

  • Globus December 26, 2023


    • victor December 27, 2023

      YOU GUYS DESERVED IT! You are very welcome baby πŸ™‚

  • December 26, 2023

    Oh yes ! There is a Santa Claus and He sometimes is called Victor. !!! I honestly was totally shocked to see my man Jason again after all these years. I have never lost my loyalty to him. I don’t believe I ever will. You know how much this means to me, Vic. I have missed so much about Jason and here he is !Whatever it took to bring him back, I am thoroughly grateful. Jason’s smile takes me back all those years to when he first appeared here. There isn’t another one like it. His legs seemed to show some nervousness, but that soon went away. Jason is absolute perfection to me. His strong hairy legs, chest hair, pits and pubes are all reasons why. I have missed those facial expressions he gives when you are giving him your excellent oral service. It looks like he has missed your mouth , Vic. You really attacked his beautiful cock. The deep throating made it special. Jason’s wonderful orgasm says it all. Gave you the gift of a great Christmas facial. How I envy that. I can never forget the time when Jason greeted me by my name. I have you to thank for that, Vic. Please say this isn’t a” one and done” The perfect New Year’s gift would be Jason returning for an incredible and session. Vic, you and my BCHBFF were so right about how much this means to me.

    • victor December 27, 2023

      I told you never to lost hope my friend, miracles happen! When Jason contacted me I was in disbelief, I thought was somebody else trying to pass for him, until he sent me a pic with that beautiful smile, and I swear, the first person that came to my mind was you and how happy you will be, I was counting the days for this update OMG, it looked eternal lol You are right he was very nervous like it was it his first time, but we all agree that is hot right? I promise you I am working in getting him back soon my friend. Thanks for your loyalty to Jason and BCH Land! πŸ™‚

  • December 26, 2023

    My original comment was written after watching Jason without sound. . Now I have watched with sound and am pleased beyond words that my man, Jason would call my name again!! THANK YOU

    • victor December 27, 2023

      You are welcome baby!

  • guruguy December 26, 2023

    Γ€ sexy sexy man Vic !! He was a great Christmas 🀢 gift !! MERRY CHRISTMAS VIC !!

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Merry Christmas my friend, I am so happy that you loved this present πŸ™‚

  • December 26, 2023

    Ahhhh yessss Jason’s back soooo hot and so sexy. Wish Eric, Peter, or Allan comes back lol

    • victor December 27, 2023

      Right? Sexier than ever! Please wish me luck in getting all those other Beefcakes back! Thanks for commenting baby πŸ™‚

  • Jerkyteddy December 31, 2023

    Jason is hotter than ever!!! His return gives me hope for some beefcakes to return, especially some that only came once (like Phillip, Trevor, and Craig).

    • victor January 4, 2024

      We never give up on any Beefcake, right? There is always the possibility that they will return. Thanks for commenting, baby πŸ™‚

  • 47noche January 14, 2024

    Jason’s chest if very beautifu

    • victor January 15, 2024

      Yes it is, he got bigger πŸ™‚

  • motion1234 February 4, 2024

    Damn, I still can’t believe we got to see this sexy sweet man again after all of these years! Any chance he did another scene or two with you before he went back to the other coast Vic?

    • victor February 5, 2024

      Right? yes baby, he is coming back soon, please stay tuned πŸ™‚

  • July 9, 2024

    Where is this beautiful gorgeous stunning handsome man? When is he coming back? We miss him 😒

    • victor July 11, 2024

      Yeah, I miss him too. Let me see if I can have him back at BCH Land baby πŸ™‚

  • September 25, 2024

    You made him squirm. Well done! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    • victor September 26, 2024

      Yes I did lol Thanks for commenting my friend πŸ™‚

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