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Two days worshipping Jacobo

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Two days worshipping Jacobo couldn’t be more enjoyable!
We stayed in contact after our last scene, but he was not quite sure about making more videos. I was very persistent in getting him for our cameras at least once more, and my persistency paid off!
We agreed for another fuck scene; starting in the shower, where he would show us his sexy slim hairy body and his delicious tool in full swing. After that, the idea was to continue in my room, where I don’t normally shoot, but for me Beefcake Jacobo is VIP. So, I was open to the idea of sucking and getting fucked by him in my bed, but things turned out a little different. To my surprise, Jacobo was more relaxed and comfortable than ever, that he even invited me to take more action in the shower room, and just like that we got a POV scene where we appreciated the beauty of Jacobo’s meat up close. He was very much in the zone right there and he was expecting just jumping to the fuck scene while in the room, he was seriously about to cum!
But not too soon handsome! My plan was to worship his cock and legs some more. He told me how he enjoyed being kissed on his legs… hmm nice! Well, that’s because I LOVE his hairy legs!
But… how did this end up being two days worshipping Jacobo? Well, it happens that he received a surprise call from his wife and had to leave without finishing business with me, you can just think how frustrated I was! After all this persuading… he left. Right when we were having an amazing time and the video was going the way I wanted…
Things happens for a reason, several weeks passed after he finally contacted me again and confessed that besides needing to finish business, he was kind of horny. He apologized and promised me a good performance, and well you know me, I can never have hard feelings with the Beefcakes. They can come back to papi (or mama… lol whatever they prefer to call me) anytime! πŸ˜‰
And what a steamy session this was with Jacobo. I just love the way he fucks me, I really felt like he was making love to me. We did it in several positions, including what was our most liked this time, missionary position… when I got very close to his face!
With this two days worshipping Jacobo, this sexy Beefcake went directly to my favorites!
I know many of you will be very happy to see him again!
Enjoy this extra time with Jacobo!

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  • November 10, 2016

    My boyfriend is back!!! ???

    • victor November 15, 2016

      yeah! it was about time right? πŸ˜‰

  • November 10, 2016

    OMFG!!!! Tell me pls that isn’t the last video!!!! Jacobo is perfect. The face, whispers and the cock makes me crazy!!! My dream comes true when i see him with Neal. Sometimes i wanted to be in you place… lol!!! Good Job !!!!

    • victor November 15, 2016

      I am so glad you enjoy this vid my friend, I think we can have more with Jacobo πŸ˜‰

  • November 10, 2016

    I literally had to stop watching this video to cool off and then watch the rest.!!! I don’t recall any other session that is as full of everything we hunters ask for. I kept trying to find fault with Jacobo, It is impossible . Everything about his body and attitude and personality are beyond Heaven. I am versatile myself and I kept having trouble deciding which of you I would rather have been. LOL. I also think that your editing work is fantastic, Vic It alone is worth an award. Right to the top of the list !!!!

    • victor November 15, 2016

      wow Frederick! thanks for giving me an award with this vid! I am so please when I know you guys enjoy this much my work! Thank you thank you! Kisses my friend πŸ™‚

  • November 10, 2016

    Damn there were a few times I thought you guys were gonna start kissing!

    • victor November 15, 2016

      yeah I was thinking the same when I have his face so close to me but I didn’t dare, maybe next time πŸ™‚

  • markleoj November 11, 2016

    This is an awesome video! I love all the angles of all the shots. This is so hot!

    • victor November 15, 2016

      It was a lot of work my friend, so I really enjoy your appreciation , thanks so much πŸ™‚

  • danirile80 November 11, 2016

    Jacobo is outstanding! He more than made up for the interrupted video with a stroke game that is the best in all of Beefcake Hunter Land. This evident when he whispers to you that he is about to cum, and you moan almost pleading with him, “No!” Hot! He may have a girlfriend overseas, but when Jacobo is in Beefcake Hunter Land, he goes into a sexual trance and just loses himself in the moment. His accent is even dripping with sexual energy. Please say that this will not be his last video; don’t make us wait so long to see him again, LOL!

    • victor November 15, 2016

      I promise that I would do everything possible to get him back my friend , I know he has his wife but I guess that the way we worship him is totally different and something that he may not experienced before πŸ™‚

  • b1p1k1 November 11, 2016

    I love this video Vic, I had to cool myself off Yes! It was to much that I had to go through my phone and call one of my booty call Okay. Thank you so much Vic for giving us what we want muah:)

    • victor November 15, 2016

      You know I always keep you guys in my thoughts and I tried to bring you the best, sometimes but that I try you cant doubt it πŸ™‚

  • pharaoh11463a November 16, 2016

    Thjanks for bringing him bvack . He’s definitely one of my favorites. Jacobo all I can say is “FUCK THAT ASS!!!!!” you can tell he really l;ikes male ass because he fuckls for the sheer pleasure of it and you can see it in his face! Pretty eyes, hot bod, big dick, hot feet and hot ass! He has it all! Bring him back again when you get a chance Vic!

    • victor November 17, 2016

      I would have him back anytime, you just describe him perfectly, he gets into the moment like it should be right? thanks for comment my friend πŸ™‚

  • November 19, 2016

    I think he wanted to start making out with you when he was fucking you! Maybe next time when his face is close you should wrap your arms around his back and pull him closer to you and see if he does! Look him in the eyes, and tell him with your eyes you want to taste his mouth.

    • victor November 20, 2016

      wow! that sounds very romantic and hot, cant wait to make another scene with this hottie πŸ˜‰

  • November 20, 2016

    My top 5: 1- Jacobo; 2- Armando: 3- Mark: 4-Sami; 5-Reaper

    • victor November 20, 2016

      Jacobo is def one of my favs too πŸ™‚

  • November 22, 2016

    I love Jacobo!!!!! More please Vic omg I wanna marry him haha

    • victor November 22, 2016

      hahahah sorry he is married already..with me! LOL I am glad you enjoy him, yes looking forward for more of Jacobo! πŸ˜‰

  • SFPS01 December 1, 2016

    I think this scene is the best fuck scene on the internet. What a man. His hip thrusts says it all. He is a man’s fuck machine. With passion no less.

    • victor December 3, 2016

      wow! thanks! Jacobo makes the fuck scenes so HOT, he is a gem! πŸ™‚

  • kenzo456 December 2, 2016

    So effing HOT!!!!! Jacobo is worth my membership cost to the site. Damn

    • victor December 3, 2016

      right? Jacobo is super hot and really seems to enjoy sex! πŸ™‚

  • December 28, 2016

    Man, this video was frickin’ POWERFUL!!

    • victor December 29, 2016

      right? on elf my favorites too, Jacobo is HOTTTTTT πŸ™‚

  • ZakuAbumi March 7, 2017

    Jacobo is my favorite by far. Please tell me we’ll be seeing more of him, Vic.

    • victor March 9, 2017

      I am pretty sure baby, I will contact him again πŸ™‚

  • ZIPomAtE November 8, 2017

    The sexiest video yet!! WONDERFUL! Loved the missionary positions.How did you manage to keep going so long without cumming ??

    • victor November 9, 2017

      wow, you are so right, with Jacobo , any video is just sexy as hell! I know,I don’t know how i do it, sometimes I have a headache after the shooting and then I realized is because I didn’t cum LOL Thanks for your concerns my friend, kisses πŸ˜‰

  • January 11, 2018

    He is fucking hot dam it?

    • victor January 16, 2018

      One day wasn’t enough with Jacobo, it has to be two days lol

  • sthuy July 3, 2018

    love jacobo’s hairy ass <3

    • victor July 5, 2018

      I love hairy guys as well πŸ™‚

  • Sexdreams March 28, 2019

    DeberΓ­a regresar el solo a follarte para hacer un video parecido a este.
    Es su mejor video anal en beefcakeland. ( he should return just to fuck you, doing a video similar to this one.
    It’s his best anal video on beefcakeland

    • victor March 30, 2019

      Si creo que ya es hora de otro uno a uno con este sexy Latino (Yeah, I think is time for a one on one with this sexy Latino)

  • August 11, 2020

    Victor, Jacobo is sexy as hell and good in front of the camera? Thank you for servicing him so well. You 2 are hot together. He is my favorite

    • victor August 17, 2020

      Yes he is very sexy and knows how to please us , right? πŸ˜‰

  • January 5, 2021

    JE-ZUS that man can fuck ????

    • victor January 5, 2021

      Yes he can! I am glad you pointed it out baby πŸ™‚

  • February 2, 2021

    I swear Jacobo is beautiful.

    • victor February 4, 2021

      Yes he is! Thanks for comment my friend πŸ™‚

  • Pedrojunior2025 March 12, 2025

    Esse foi o melhor homem que passou por esse site. πŸ₯΅ (This was the best man that ever came across this site. πŸ₯΅ )

    • victor March 16, 2025

      Sim, thripple H (Jacobo bonito, dotado e peludo) foi incrΓ­vel, sinto muita falta dele. Obrigado por comentar meu amigo πŸ™‚ (Yeah, thripple H ( handsome, hung and hairy Jacobo) was amazing, I miss him greatly. Thanks for commenting my friend πŸ™‚ )

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