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We take our health very seriously and are doing everything we can to get through these challenging times safely. At some point we may include some videos based on old footage and/or creative content that has never been seen before. This is only temporarily and we are hoping you will find it as entertaining as always while we can get through this together.

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Oscar long blow job session

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Oscar long blow job session, If you are a fan of Beefcake Jimmy, you are going to love Beefcake Oscar, he reminds me a lot of Jimmy! Wow. After all, our prayers were answered in one way or another lol.
He was supposed to meet me at noon but he arrived hours later, “girlfriend issues” lol….but the wait was totally worth it, Beefcake Oscar has a beautiful smile, is less talkative than Jimmy but you can tell by his posture that he is a super horny young latin dude from New York, and by his own words he loves to get his dick sucked…. and what was I supposed to do with that information? Just to cut the BS chatting and get down on my knees as soon as possible!
After a little rubbing on his pants that cock demanded immediate attention, so I skipped my usual balls licking starting point! Although I gave proper attention to his big hanging balls later. He said that his cock is 8.5″, I would say is 8″ but WHO CARES!! Itโ€™s beautiful, slightly curved that it fits perfectly in my throat for a deep sucking and I could tell that he LOVES deep throat! Oscarโ€™s long blow job session wasnโ€™t supposed to be that long but he is one of those guys that can control their orgasm, and even when he was about to cum a couple of times he was able to make sure to enjoy a long blow session. Hopefully 2016 will bring us more of this sexy latino, by the way Hunters I would like to thank you for all your support this year, our first full year! It has been wonderful knowing how much you enjoy the videos, I read your comments and have fun together, I will promise you a 2016 with more action and even some surprises, thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. Enjoy this Oscar long blow jobย session video and Happy New Year 2016!

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  • December 30, 2015

    Love you Vic, one hot video because we can see his expressions. Happy new year. Continue the your great work.

    • victor December 31, 2015

      Hi Lance! I was about to email you for the last comment, but I thought a video would be a better answer to your comment right? lol I appreciate your thoughts and I never take any suggestion or feedback in a bad way, but remember that the scenes cant be always the same, and some scenes are been requested by some Hunters, this scene is for you my friend! Happy new year! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Machismolover December 31, 2015

    U need more guys like him. I love ur work and I am addicted.

    • victor December 31, 2015

      I am glad you like him, he is so masculine and what cock! right? thanks for comment my friend, remember the hard part of this is to find genuine willing straight guys..Happy new year my friend ! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • December 31, 2015

    I was a bit distracted hearing Adele in the back ground lmao other than that I thought it was a good video Oscar is definitely a hottie only other critique I wish he had been more verbal but I understand sometime first timers get nervous. Thanx
    PS when is James coming back ? can’t wait to see more of him!

    • victor December 31, 2015

      I know right? Adele is everywhere! lol since he took so long to arrive I was doing my other passion: watching music videos! my bad I forgot to lower the volume as soon we start shooting :), Oscar is quiet, every beefcake is different , remember that, regarding James, I told him that the next scene would be an “anal” scene and I think I scared him away lol, he sees to be willing to receive a bj only, I may contact him soon for another bj ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy new year my friend!

  • December 31, 2015

    Wow Vic you just made my new years what a sexy latiino dude love his dick what i would do to him my God, the only thing misssing was him not making any love sounds he looked bored and not into it you need to couch then tell them to get into it makes the movies so much better but bring him back again and again!!

    • victor December 31, 2015

      I am glad I made your new year celebration! ๐Ÿ™‚ Remember that the beefcakes are what you see, any of them are told what to do exactly, if the moan, if they are verbal, etc it is real, the only thing they are told is to be themselves, I believe that is what it makes every scene different to the next even that they are always a bj or anal and actually if you pay attention to his lips, you would notice that he was enjoying getting serviced, lips movement are an indicator when a man is having pleasure ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy new year my friend!

  • December 31, 2015

    Heh, he does look like Jimmy. I thought he was back actually. Nice work!

    • victor December 31, 2015

      right? Thanks for comment my friend , happy new year! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • December 31, 2015

    Vic not only are your videos are the hottest out there, but your appreciation for your customers just make you absolutely phenomenal person. I am sure I can speak for a lot of people when I say that you are a friend to us all, and you have got some of the best taste in men in the industry. Wishing you a Happy New Years from my home to yours. You are the best

    • victor January 3, 2016

      Thank you so much for your words! They mean a lot to me as a producer and I hope to keep meeting your expectations this 2016! kisses my friend! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • December 31, 2015

    What a great way to end 2015. I don’t know how you will top this one in 2016, but I bet you will !!!

    • victor January 3, 2016

      I knew you gonna love this video Frederick! Thanks for been with us most of 2015! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • December 31, 2015

    Happy New Year Vic!!! This is a hot Papi!!! Loved the big load he delivered, and what a hot “curve” too! Looking forward to a new year of Hot Beef and congratulations on the first full year!!!!!

    • victor January 3, 2016

      Thanks my friend! happy new year to you too! Definitely working to get this papi and more like him back this year ๐Ÿ™‚

  • disquette3 January 9, 2016

    yes this website is awesome

    • victor January 12, 2016

      thank you thank you David, I am so glad I was able to help,it makes me happy see that you are enjoying it a lot ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • January 10, 2016

    Wow this has to be my favorite beefcake of all time! Great catch with this one Vic!? Do you think he may come back to do anal? That would be a dream come true! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • victor January 12, 2016

      I am so happy that you love him! you know what ? he has become one of my favs too, and YESSSSSSS he is back for anal..stay tuned my friend ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • raymondu January 14, 2016

    hi could you bring back pancho as well is is my favorite

    • victor January 16, 2016

      HI Mark, I don’t know Pancho whereabouts right now, but definitely I would take a look again ๐Ÿ™‚

  • sweetcd March 1, 2017

    He is very hot, he should come again ๐Ÿ™‚

    • victor March 6, 2017

      you are right, he should be back again, Oscar is very sexual and what a nice cock he has! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • latkind3 August 30, 2019

    I’m in love with Oscar such a cutie. Hope to see more of him. Great work!

    • victor August 31, 2019

      Thanks my friend, yeah Oscar is a cutie with a nice piece of cock, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Hothole11 April 7, 2020

    Vic, you have the best taste in men! I have not seen one yet that is not fantasy worthy! Oscar is exceptionally HOT!!! Gracias.

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Thanks baby! Yeah Oscar is a hottie! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • September 18, 2021

    Gorgeous! Latino machismo! He is quite the delivery man. ๐Ÿค—
    Did I hear someone use the word shy??? Hhhmm Beg to differ. He was on that couch in 3 minutes, cock out head in your mouth 36 seconds later. He watched a total 5 minutes of porn & the balance of time his eyes were glued to you. Not shy, simply “straight” for “this shit is great I may never leave”. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ He did not want to get up.
    So glad you keep past scenes for us newbies. Love seeing all adventures. THANK YOU

    • victor September 21, 2021

      You are very welcome my friend, you are right about Oscar, he projected all that from beginning to the end, his cock is so delicious ๐Ÿ™‚

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