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Covid-19 Valued Member Notice:

To our most valuable members, we would like to thank you so much for your support during these challenging times and we want you to know that we couldn't do it without you!

During this period of time our entire staff are working hard to continue in providing you with weekly entertainment. We always believe in being straight forward and honest with our members and so we wanted to share with you some temporary updates to our content delivery procedures and what to expect.

We take our health very seriously and are doing everything we can to get through these challenging times safely. At some point we may include some videos based on old footage and/or creative content that has never been seen before. This is only temporarily and we are hoping you will find it as entertaining as always while we can get through this together.

Last, we at BCH again want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, it is greatly appreciated!


Kyle Live Show Video 07/21/19

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Ok…before diving into the hot waters of Kyle Live Show Video 07/21/19 I’d like to announce that starting next week, as I navigate the unknown in this 2020, there will be new content updates at BeefCakeHunter Land!

This was Beefcake Kyle’s second Live Show at BCH, this time I step out of the show completely, so he added his own personal touch to it, with the usual coolness that characterizes him. This sexy married stallion went totally free style; just look at the amazing things we are going to learn in this video from Kyle Live Show 07/21/19!

Kyle didn’t read to his audience the specific commands they gave him, but it’s easy to know what they were, and apparently, they asked him a lot to speak dirty, to show off his manly armpits and tattoos.

You could say that he was very interested in customizing this show for you guys, spending a lot of time showing his sensuality before taking care of his own pleasure with the personal porn material he brought, and for those ass Lovers Hunters, Kyle showed his hole, let’s say …several times 😉

Honestly, since I was in the other room taking care of other BCH “matters” I never saw the footage from this show until I made this video, but I knew it was good because many Hunters wrote me to tell me that they really loved Kyle’s show.

Beefcake Kyle ended his performance with a big load on his belly, and showed it up close to his fans, before thanking them, such a sweet guy!

I hope you enjoy this Kyle Live Show Video 07/21/19, and I want to thank my dear loyal Hunters for the continued support during these challenging times, I hope that you all are well and safe! Thank you!

                                Kyle Live Show Video 07/21/19

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  • August 5, 2020

    Is Josue ever going to be feature again? I am keeping my fingers crossed…

    • victor August 12, 2020

      I wish baby, I am keeping my fingers crossed as well 🙂

  • bttm_mx90 August 6, 2020

    We’re with you dear Vic. Behave yourself while we’re facing this terrible situation. I’m so exciting there’ll be coming new content next week!! 🙂

    • victor August 12, 2020

      Thanks for been with me my friend, your words mean a lot to me, and yeah! I am starting to upload new content as become possible 🙂

  • August 8, 2020

    Kyle is the MVP. Love him

    • victor August 12, 2020

      Yes he is, and I love him too! Thanks for comment baby 🙂

  • August 9, 2020

    I hope I read correctly that next week you will be able to bring us new content.. You are amazing,, Vic.
    Speaking of amazing… Kyle pulled out all the stops for this Live Show. He really enjoys doing this
    . He knows he is sexy and wants to show it off. He is completely comfortable and confident in front of the cmera. He has that dirty smile which is so hot. He got very verbal which made me happy.Did you ever find out why he was in prison? Just curious. I am sure all us Hunters are looking forward to next week, but in the meantime, thank you for keeping us with you for these last few weeks.

    • victor August 12, 2020

      Yes my friend, I am going to start uploading new content, hopefully uninterruptedly. You guys are amazing for been with me all this time! I knew you should love Kyle’s show , he really got into the dirty words, I hope some Hunters don’t mind lol. I think he told me once, nothing really bad. I hope you enjoy this week new Beefcake , thanks for comment my friend 🙂

  • danirile80 July 13, 2021

    In hour of the BCH Hot white boys that you have been bringing us lately (Robert, Luke, Joe, Great J Justin…), I’ll inquire about one of my favorite burly guys. Kyle. Is he still around? Another one, that grew exponentially from his debut. He and his hairy thick goodness is missed.

    • victor July 23, 2021

      It has been a while since last time we spoke, I am crossing my fingers to hear from him soon, thanks for comment my friend 🙂

  • scottyboy29 November 4, 2021

    i wish kyle was riding my face like a pony!

    • victor November 6, 2021

      Right? what a hot man! Thanks for comment baby 🙂

  • str888Luvr321 November 11, 2024

    ohh wow. I’m in love with Kyle.

    • victor November 12, 2024

      Like many others, he was so amazing 🙂

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