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Getting drilled by Jacobo

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Getting drilled by Jacobo, After our first session with Beefcake Jacobo I couldn’t stop thinking about having anal sex with him, he is so handsome, tall, hairy and hung. In other words very much my type of guy, I don’t remember being fucked by a guy with a cock shaped like Jacobo’s, for sure a big one is always pleasurable but I didn’t know what to expect with a curved down one… So I put in motion all my tactics to get Jacobo back, I thought it was going to be easier getting him back since he seemed to enjoy being serviced a lot, I mean a LOT, but it wasn’t! Beefcake Jacobo started to have second thoughts about being in another video, I guess the first time around those two weeks of load helped him to make a decision, but this time it wasn’t the same. At first I was very pushy with him but then I used my other tactic; telling him to take his time and let me know whenever he is ready, tomorrow, next week, next year… Whatever, we are very patient here at BeefCake Hunter Land, lol. After a couple of times of leaving me waiting he called, and I knew he meant it this time, he even told me “I will be really hard for the fuck scene”… after all he is a young man with his girlfriend abroad and he is still needing a hole, he knew he will be in good

This time I wanted to appreciate his body from a different perspective and take my camera around his body, you can get a good glance of his feet, back and ass. After jerking off to the pussy porn movie I got down on my knees to service eagerly his cock and balls, then I made him lay down and I rode his cock for a bit, I could tell he was getting into enjoying my ass, I couldn’t help myself touching his hairy chest hmm. After, I got on my fours and then was when the drilling really started, it also was the moment for me to discover the feeling of that type of cock inside me. It was a little painful at points but at the same time very very pleasurable in ways that I haven’t felt before. I can tell you that I really enjoyed getting drilled by Jacobo, I totally forgot about the cameras and that I was actually making a video, wow. Finally, the warm cum over my butt was the cherry on top of the cake! Amazingly getting drilled by Jacobo, I hope you enjoy this video Hunters!

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  • March 11, 2016

    This is perhaps your best video, yet! Jacobo was definitely into it from the moment you started sucking his rather large dick. You did indeed get lost in the moment, and Jacobo drilled you to oblivion. I could watch this every week. Get him back!
    Great video πŸ™‚

    • victor March 11, 2016

      You are right he took me to oblivion lol, I am so happy you enjoy this video so much! I will try to get him back πŸ™‚

  • March 11, 2016

    wow Vic what a hot Latino guy love his dick, what country is he from i would love to suck him off, his rhythm is a little off for a latino guy but what a dick on him wow please bring him again and share him Vic πŸ˜‰

    • victor March 11, 2016

      Thanks for comment my friend, I think he did a great job! πŸ˜‰

  • March 11, 2016

    Beautiful man. He is exactly what I look for in a man. I love his face expressions when he’s pounding you. Great video and I hope you can get him back at least 2 more times. πŸ™‚

    • victor March 11, 2016

      Yeah Jacobo is about to become full time model here lol ..I wish! I am so happy that you enjoy this video, and thanks foe comment my friend ! πŸ™‚

  • grisha March 11, 2016

    Jacobo reminds me of Jason, both very hot and sexy men. It would be nice to see you and Jacobo doing another shoot, like with Jason, where you eat his ass and take his cum in your mouth, it was mind blowing finish. I enjoy your site very much.

    • victor March 11, 2016

      That sounds like a great idea for a video next time , if I am lucky enough to work with Jacobo, thanks for comment and your support my friend! πŸ˜‰

  • jens2506 March 11, 2016

    This is pretty good… WOWWW

    • victor March 11, 2016

      There is for all tastes my friend , I am glad you like Jacobo! πŸ˜‰

  • March 11, 2016

    Yes! So glad to see you got this incredibly sexy man to cum back! And what a fine job he did!

    • victor March 11, 2016

      Yeah , I was surprise how great he performed, he was amazing! I am glad you enjoy this πŸ™‚

  • March 11, 2016


    • victor March 11, 2016

      thanks baby πŸ™‚

  • March 11, 2016

    He is a CUTIE!! Would love to see shots of your beefcakes from behind while they’re fucking you! Love watching a man’s ass in action!

    • victor March 11, 2016

      Yeah , I love those angles too πŸ™‚ Thanks for comment my friend!

  • chasal March 11, 2016

    I was hoping for some rimming. Maybe next time.

    • victor March 14, 2016

      Yeah, maybe next time baby πŸ™‚

  • March 12, 2016

    Vic, that has to be the best fuck you ever got. At least on camera. I can’t begin to tell you how hot this session was. Having him strip and work his dick first was unbelievably sexy. Jacobo is the absolute image of a truly macho guy who is so comfortable with himself he can do these videos with you. I still think Jason and Jacobo together with you would be the best ever. Them spit roasting you !!! OMG. He really gets into fucking you, the way he sets his jaw and pounds you. There can’t ever be too much of Jacobo.

    • victor March 14, 2016

      Wow Frederick thanks! you nail it! You are right , this session is one of the best fucking scenes I had with a beefcake, no only because Jacobo is sexy as hell but also he made it the whole shooting go very smooth, he acted very professional lol. I mentioned my intentions to Jason about a threesome and he is not really into it! hhahhaha lets give him more time πŸ™‚

  • March 12, 2016

    I knew Jacobo would come back for anal! Great video! I’m hoping that Diego and Jack will come back and do the same- I love this site!

    • victor March 14, 2016

      Thanks for your support! I am so happy that you enjoy my work! I will try to get one more time with Jack, I haven’t tried with Diego because it was very difficult to get him even for the bj scene lol and his video didn’t get much likes, so I thought the Hunters didn’t want him back, even tho I think Diego is hot! πŸ˜‰

  • March 12, 2016

    Another great video!! If he weren’t straight you might have tried on your back or side, it hurts much less with those types of curves. πŸ˜‰

    • victor March 14, 2016

      I guess, it was a little painful, but at the same time very pleasurable, like they say no pain, no gain lol πŸ˜‰

  • March 12, 2016

    I’m new in your website victor, i can tell u i suscribe for jacobo, just let say that hehehe.

    • victor March 14, 2016

      hahah is ok, I am glad you enjoying my vids with Jacobo, lets cross our fingers that there would be more πŸ™‚

  • March 13, 2016

    3some with him and Derik. πŸ™‚

    • victor March 14, 2016

      OMG that would be awesome, I love Derik!! Thanks for comment πŸ™‚

  • carlosgarza March 25, 2016

    te hiso sudar !!!!!

    • victor March 26, 2016

      la verdad que si, pero rico, gracias por comentar πŸ˜‰

  • Tropicalia March 26, 2016

    Latin Lover 4Ever so fukinh hot!!!

    • victor March 26, 2016

      right? Jacobo is a sexy Latin Lover …what a hottie ! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for comment !

  • March 27, 2016

    he was fuckin amazing. love his lean masculine lines, the curve of his round sexy ass!

    • victor March 27, 2016

      yeah, I love the rhythm of his fucking πŸ™‚

  • April 6, 2016

    Wow Vic! I have to admit this was an amazing video! he really performed like a pro! he drilled you so well that I was like DAMN! lol great video! one of your best I have to say. You definitely need to bring him back! ?

    • victor April 7, 2016

      Thanks for your comment my friend ! Yeah, Jacobo performed beyond what I was expecting, and definitely I am working and getting him back πŸ™‚

  • April 10, 2016

    For me this is one of the best ever!! Handsome, hairy, hung…. hot hot hot!!!

    • victor April 10, 2016

      wow I see you really like him! πŸ™‚

  • pharaoh11463 May 11, 2016

    This is by far one of the hottest fuck scenes I have ever seen (and I have seen a lot) the model was definite;y into fuckling the hell out of you and I loved that “hungry” look in his face as he fucked you!!! Defiintely one HOT fuck scene!!!!

    • victor May 13, 2016

      Thanks for comment and I am so glad you find this scene, the hottest! That makes my day, Jacobo is such a handsome guy πŸ™‚

  • Superman16 May 30, 2016

    Quien no quisiera a un papi asi de rico ?

    • victor May 30, 2016

      Yo lo quisiera todas las noches en mi cama! ummmm πŸ™‚

  • July 11, 2016

    I love Jacobo

    • victor July 11, 2016

      yeah, he is super sexy, I hope he is back some time πŸ™‚

  • Alexious September 14, 2016

    That was amazing , best fuck ever. Jacob is so hot. U lucky man to have had that big dick . Nice one man!!

    • victor September 15, 2016

      Thanks! I am so glad you enjoy this video , yeah it was a good fuck πŸ™‚

  • pharaoh11463a October 20, 2016

    bring jacobo back so He could fuck the hell out of you again. You could just see the pleasure in hi sface while he fucked you. He loved it!

    • victor October 20, 2016

      that is coming pretty soon my friend , stay tuned πŸ™‚

  • bigeasye December 13, 2016

    mmmm and THAT’S how you fuck

    • victor December 13, 2016

      right? thanks for pointing it out πŸ˜‰

  • January 28, 2017

    So many of these straight guys need the added inducement of watching m/f or f/f porn to maintain their erections and interests. Jacobo, however, never looks at the monitor though within easy visual distance from him. Either Vic’s services are so 5-star that the nearby monitor isn’t needed. One must assume that after this extended sexual preference Jocobo must be questioning his sexual preferences. If he wants more convincing, send him my way! What a treat it would be to see this guy and Thomas taking care of Vic (or preferably me) at the same time.

    • victor January 30, 2017

      By talking with Jacobo, the fact that his wife is not around all the time, leave a window open for him to get pleasure by working with us, he is a very horny guy, this scene supposed to be just oral, but to my surprise he told me that he needed to penetrate.. I was WOW! don’t say no more lets do this! Thanks for comment baby πŸ™‚

  • JDown March 22, 2017

    Vic! I had to become a member because I couldn’t get enough! Amazing job! Perhaps Jacob is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to help him out till his girl gets here lol… Victor you are a lucky mofo! Loool

    • victor March 23, 2017

      Thanks for becoming a member! welcome to BeefCakeHunter land! you are right, Jacobo is one of the sexiest! I miss him πŸ™‚

  • January 16, 2018

    Acho que esse cara deveria trabalhar como ator porno, pois ele sabe foder e tem um pau maravilhoso. (I think this guy should work as a porn actor, because he knows how to fuck and he has a wonderful cock)

    • victor January 19, 2018

      Bem, Jacobo Γ© como uma estrela pornΓ΄ aqui no BCH πŸ˜‰ (well, Jacobo is a porn star here at BCH! ;))

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