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Blowing Jacobo two weeks load

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Blowing Jacobo two weeks load, Beefcake Jacoboย is Hispanic. Jacobo preferred not to disclose to the cameras his country of origin, but he has been living in town for quite a while. He has a girlfriend in Venezuela that he is planning on bringing to the States, and since he lost his roommate, he found himself a little short for rent.
He contacted me and showed me a bad picture of himself. Because of my experience in the field for over a year, I could tell he would be better looking in person (straight guys don’t send photoshopped pictures lol), but in that same picture that he sent, something captured my attention and I decided to set up a meeting for a shooting.
He was punctual for the shooting and right away, he asked me for something to drink. I guess he was trying to calm his nerves a little, but I could tell he had great expectations for me and for what I was about to do with his cock. Besides, Beefcake Jacobo was apart from his girlfriend for quite sometime, he hasn’t had intercourse in seven months, and he hasn’t jerked off in two weeks (which I find hard to believe) and yeah, I didn’t have any trouble taking care of him by blowing his two weeks of load lol. After all, heโ€™s tall, sexy, and handsome. His beautiful hairy legs and delicious curved down cock, made him irresistible. A treat I haven’t had in a while, I mean, Beefcake Dameon has a nice curved cock, but to the left or to the right?…I canโ€™t recall now lol. Jacobโ€™s cock is curved down, which it can be a challenge when it comes to my sucking style, but I believe I did a good job, since I was able to get this sexy man into the zone. He has a very warm and gentle personality, and I love that! I could suck him for hours, and when he came I realized I was blowing Jacoboโ€™s two weeks load for real!! I hope you guys enjoy this video with Beefcake Jacobo!

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  • February 26, 2016

    Oh my god vic, thank u for this video, love that u focus his reaction and face, by far the greatest video ive seen in weeks. Hope to see his expression again if ur making a video on him again. Your amazing Vic!

    • victor February 27, 2016

      you are welcome my friend , I was thinking about your feedback at some points lol

  • February 26, 2016

    wow Vic what a hot dude you just made my weekend once again his so hot, loved his hairy legs and what a load i hope he comes back soon if not go hunting papi : -)

    • victor February 27, 2016

      I knew you gonna love him! I hope he is back too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • February 27, 2016


    • victor February 27, 2016

      right? I am glad you like this video, thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • February 27, 2016

    Hey Vic, download is great! OMG Jacob is so HOT!!! He has such a sexiness about him, and that cock!!!! As always, thanks for bring us all such fine men!!!

    • victor February 27, 2016

      you are welcome my friend , yeah Jacobo is super sexy ๐Ÿ™‚

  • February 27, 2016

    Yes! Jacobo is a winner! I like that he was very interactive with you throughout the video. From the moment you started sucking him, Jacobo was WAY into the blowjob. I think he will be returning (PLEASE say Jacobo is retuning….)

    • victor February 27, 2016

      lest cross our fingers for that! ๐Ÿ˜‰ thanks for comment !

  • February 27, 2016

    Wish to see an uncut version of the video Vic, too hot

    • victor February 27, 2016

      lol really why? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • February 27, 2016

    Vic, the best interaction between you and one of the guys I think. His facial expression and body language said it all. What a dick to work on. Great attention to the head of that curved beauty. Really want to see him give your ass a work out. My big fantasy is to have Jacob and Jayson side by side and you servicing them both. SO HOT !

    • victor February 27, 2016

      wow that should be amazing! you are right , like Jason and Jacobo are in the same league right? J&J with Vic…lol

  • jens2506 February 27, 2016

    Great!! like aways.. whad do u think about 2 videos for week? LOL.. is aways good to see your action ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • victor February 27, 2016

      Hi there! Thanks I am so glad you like this video too! kind of hard so many willing straight guys….I hope you get my point ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • February 27, 2016

    Vic, February has been an amazing month for you. The last 4 guys have been incredible! You have found another winner in Jacobo. Definately would love to see him back for an anal session. I LOVE dark ethnic men with hairy legs and chests. Keep up the great work! I love this site!

    • victor February 27, 2016

      I think so too but lets expect the best for the rest of the year!I am so glad you enjoy these sexy guys and I really want Jacobo back, wish me luck! Thanks for the good vibe ๐Ÿ™‚

  • February 27, 2016

    Thanks Vic he was fantastic wish he could come back and do anal with you think he would enjoy it:

    • victor February 29, 2016

      you are welcome my friend! I am working on that! wish me luck! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • bandido1978 February 28, 2016

    you have to have to bring him back!!!!!!!

    • victor February 29, 2016

      I know right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • str8junkie February 28, 2016

    hottest video yet!!!!! Whew!

    • victor February 29, 2016

      Thanks! so glad you enjoy it my friend! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • March 1, 2016

    Victor, once again, great video!! You pick the perfect guys!! You look beautiful sucking and worshiping their manhood! I love the fact that the guys feel so comfortable with you! I tell you man, I want to be just like you! I can honestly say I joined this site because I’m fascinated by you and how you do what you love! I admire the power and the mind behind your seduction, because even though you are servicing them, the truth is that they have yielded their body to you because you have mastered the art of seduction! I’m so intrigued!!!

    • victor March 4, 2016

      Wow! believe me, I really try to do my best to find variety of sexy guys and part of the job is also make them feel comfortable, after this comment I can be more assured that my efforts are showing up, thanks again for your comment my friend ๐Ÿ™‚

  • March 2, 2016


    • victor March 4, 2016

      Thank you ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am so glad you like it !

  • March 3, 2016

    OMG when he gave you directions to jerk him off, I almost lost my mind, those little things I find the hottest, BRAVO, ENCORE, PLEASE!!!!!

    • victor March 5, 2016

      I am glad you take note of these little hot details! thanks baby ๐Ÿ™‚

  • liveq8 March 3, 2016

    verry verry sexy men Jacobo

    • victor March 5, 2016

      yes he is! I am in love with him , my new fav along with Marco, Jimmy and Chico ๐Ÿ™‚

  • April 8, 2016

    his hairy pits drive me wild!

    • victor April 10, 2016

      Jacobo is one of my new favorites , hairy in the right places ๐Ÿ™‚

  • April 10, 2016

    Best guy ever!!! Handsome, hairy, nice cock, good attitude… and he truly enjoyed it

    • victor April 10, 2016

      we totally agree, Jacobo is a star for me too, thanks for comment my fiend ๐Ÿ™‚

  • zircon13 April 25, 2016

    All that cum went to waste oh my and not swallowed

    • victor April 26, 2016

      Sometimes I swallow and sometimes not my friend, you have to see the cum too! I cant be that selfish ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Alexious September 13, 2016

    Omg, this guy is so hot, can u bring him back and have anal with him? Please??

    • victor September 15, 2016

      We were actually talking about making a third scene, I would LOVE to do that ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • kenzo456 December 2, 2016

    My GAWD Jacoby is sexy as fuck. So glad I joined the site. I randomly clicked on him and the interview was almost as hot as the blow job

    • victor December 3, 2016

      lol yeah, a good warm up before the servicing ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Lynvel April 15, 2017

    My god what a juicy tasty looking cock yumm

    • victor April 16, 2017

      yes, in fact it is a tasty cock! So glad you like it too! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • shooter603 October 20, 2017

    “Do I like giving blow jobs?! What do you think? WHAT DO YOU THINK??”

    That is what you might call a softball question. You sure showed him though.

    • victor October 23, 2017

      lol right? Thanks for comment baby ๐Ÿ™‚

  • March 14, 2018

    The best,,,. thiis the man are f..kHottt

    • victor March 19, 2018

      Yes, he is! Thanks for comment baby ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • danirile80 May 26, 2019

    I always re-watch this classic. This Jacobo video is the best debut of any Beefcake. He just exudes masculine sexiness from his accent (e.g. “I love blowkobs!” :)) to his body movements and reactions throughout the video (e,g. Jacobo throws his heads over his head to give you more access to his curved cock). This is why Jacobo will always be one of the legendary Great Js.

    • victor June 2, 2019

      You are right about that, one of the best debuts and he gives a great LIVE SHOW as well, I guess you have not see them, but don’t worry my friend, he is coming back soon for that so anticipated worshipping session ๐Ÿ™‚

  • drwho8765 July 31, 2020

    victor i am in awe your doing my every fantasy. do not know if you noticed but when you start blowing jacobo after he takes a drink of beer he winks at the camera. this is where i fell in love with jacobo lol. hope you are able to continue safely soon. and maybe let us know if you can how the guys are doing thru this crisis. nothing personal but if they are ok and such. looking forward to going thru the rest of the vids.. take care and be safe. tony b.

    • victor August 2, 2020

      I think I did but not sure now, I would have to re-watch this scene! yes I have been in touch with some of them like Kane, Justin, Kyle, Christian, Nicholas and of course Jacobo and thank God they are fine, just waiting for my call for more action! I hope you are doing well my friend, thanks for your concerns ๐Ÿ™‚

  • February 12, 2021

    This man is so gorgeous! All his videos are wonderful.

    • victor March 4, 2021

      You are so right about that, thanks for comment my friend ๐Ÿ™‚

  • October 7, 2021

    I’ve seen other scenes with you two and they are ALL amazing. Yet this one requires comment.
    The sexual energy between you two is a perfect fever pitch. However, it seems as if his body is wanting to say something that he hasn’t yet learned. I know, I sound crazy. But, look at the end when you are kissing his stomach. Long AFTER the nut. His hand comes up to caress the back of your head.
    It just made the scene that much HOTTER to me!!! Have to rewatch all the Jacobo scenes.
    You have given me new purpo

    • victor October 19, 2021

      I am amazed for how much you enjoying the scenes at BCH and this one with Jacobo I think that even exceed your expectations my fried ๐Ÿ™‚

  • May 31, 2022

    I have to be honest I cannot get enough of watching him the way he sit back and just let you enjoy sucking his dick his expressions and moaning in everything turns me on so much I would love to put my mouth on that dick but you do a great job of showing how a person can enjoy some good head

    • victor June 2, 2022

      I totally understand you my friend, Jacobo can be breathtaking , this was an awesome debut, thanks for sharing your thoughts ๐Ÿ™‚

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