Beefcake of the Year 2014
- Karavana (38%, 51 Votes)
- Max (21%, 28 Votes)
- Tommy (11%, 15 Votes)
- Charlie (10%, 14 Votes)
- Pancho (10%, 14 Votes)
- Mike (10%, 13 Votes)
Total Voters: 135

We did our first Beefcake of the Year Award in 2018, but all the Hunters wonder which Beefcakes would have been nominated for the previous years. Finally, we got to 2014, the year that BCH was born. Please watch the video below, revive some of those moments from almost a decade ago, and vote carefully since only one vote is allowed for each subscription. Remember, all polls from 2014 through 2017 are still open, so you guys have time to vote for your favorite Beefcake from each year. All polls will be closed next Friday, March 22nd, at midnight. Good luck to all of them, and thanks, Hunters, for voting!
Beefcake of the Year 2014
Total Voters: 135