BCH MonsterCock Heaven
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There are many Heavens at BeefCakeHunter Land, but this particular Heaven compilation is about the biggest cocks that have found their way to the BCH arena over the years; some of them are still around, some of them are just now living in our wet memories and dreams. This BCH Monster Cock Heaven video is to revive those hot moments with them. I hope you guys enjoy this BCH-XTRA Sunday Funday update!
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Fucking 🔥🔥🔥🔥🥵
You should do one for the small kings
I get so excited for sundays now….
Awesome !!! Beef Cake Hunter at its best!!!
Holy shit, Vic, This is an amazing example of all of your many talents. Purely on the technical level ., this is a masterwork of editing. I can only imagine the time involved in getting this all together. Then on the level of the sex you’ve chosen to highlight. You show how good your eye is for what we Hunters want to see. I had not thought of some of those Beefcakes for a long time, and I really want to thank you for bringing them back to life for me.There is something for every one here. Whether you are more a fan of Oral or Anal. it is all here. I hope the Insurance company doesn’t see this or they would cancel your policy of coverage of your fine ass. How you managed to survive that Justin fuck is a miracle. Thank you for coming up with the idea for Sunday Funday. I am loving it.
Damn no marquise or Darryl? 😭 loved seeing Juniro tho. I’ve missed his sexy self
Kip should also be included in this. His cock is also 9inches and thick!
Darryl, Drake, Kip and Brod all should be here in Monstercock Heaven. Their huge cocks are all hall-of-fame giants and all made your holes full and satisfied 🔥
Wow, Vic! Hot! Hot! Hot!