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Tarzan first time pounding a man-hole

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You can easily tell that this is Tarzan first time pounding a man-hole lol His expressions won’t tell anything different ?

Beefcake Tarzan had a hard time deciding to come back at BeefCakeHunter Land, even though he had his wife blessing to do so, he even couldn’t sleep well the previous night thinking about it, poor thing lol

Anyways you guys know that I always try to cherish the Beefcakes when they are doubtful about going deeper in the BCH arena and in an even quieter version of Beefcake Tarzan, I was able to get a couple of laughs from him!

In this session I decided to have him let his long hair loose and he still been very masculine and sexy but something that really impress me about this hot married guy is his perfect shaped cock and his ability to have it ready for the occasion! So, I didn’t waste any time in take care of it but of course starting with his delicious pair of balls, a treat that he really seems to enjoy ?

With a cock like his I could go for hours sucking but then I got on my fours and I made him unwrap the condom for me before Tarzan first time pounding a man-hole unfolded, giving me the chance to enjoy a bit more his perfect dick.

Like I was expecting, Tarzan pounding game wasn’t that good but still been very enjoyable because he managed to last, stay hard and hit my right spot at moments…. ummm.

Then after a long pounding I knew I had to make him cum with my mouth and hands, so he stood up while I was on my knees again squeezing a nice big load over my face, another needed hot facial!

I hope you guys enjoy this video Tarzan first time pounding a man-hole.

                       Tarzan first time pounding a man-hole

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  • develand October 7, 2020

    Oh Hell Yeah!!! Keep bringing this str8 butch stud and all his machismo and more shit talking please!!! Oh yeah, and toss his salad and shrimp his hot feet!

    • victor October 12, 2020

      I see you like him a lot my friend, I am very happy about that 🙂

  • develand October 7, 2020

    …btw, he could send me to the hospital any day!

    • victor October 12, 2020

      lol right ? 🙂

  • develand October 7, 2020

    I’d like 2 b eating that fine ass out while he fuks u!

    • victor October 12, 2020

      ummmm hot 😉

  • October 7, 2020

    He’s so beautiful, keep bringing him back! Make him a regular!

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Ok baby I will try, he was very reluctant but everything is possible, thanks for comment my friend 🙂

  • October 8, 2020

    that was good! i especially loved hearing Work Bitch in the background while he was fucking u lol

    • victor October 12, 2020

      lol he said that? I have to replay the video myself lol

  • Kingc88 October 8, 2020

    Maravilhoso! Sou do Brasil é amo sei trabalho com esses caras lindos . Tarzan , Martin e kip são meus favoritos. (Wonderful! I am from Brazil and I love to work with these beautiful guys. Tarzan, Martin and Kip are my favorites)

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Sim, ele é maravilhoso! Saudações aos meus caçadores brasileiros! 🙂 (yeah, he is wonderful! Greetings to my Brazilian Hunters! 🙂 )

  • Sexiboi2014 October 8, 2020

    Ok victor! I love this video because he was nervous but at the same time he made him feel so comfortable and you he really got into it. The long hair was a plus and I knew you love the fact that his wife gave her blessings to come and see you so right on. Keep it up victor.

    • victor October 12, 2020

      You are right my friend , for me is really hot to know the wives and gf borrow me their men to work, and I wonder if they go back to them and demand the same treatment lol, they will miss BCH lol

  • October 10, 2020

    Tarzan makes his return to show off his anal skills. His dick was ready for your attention right from the beginning. I liked his hair down which make him look even more like the real Tarzan. He does have a deep sexy voice and when he smiles, those dimples are irresistible. His body language gives away how much he is being turned on by you. He may not be so expressive in other ways. My pal the mirror came through for us once again. I think looks taller than h actually is. . He may not me the most animated fucker, but he gets the fob done. I think it is fine that you have rotated him and Joe the last few weeks. I say you have to have strike while the iron is hot. I don’t know how you can top these last two beefcakes, Vic, but I know you will do it.

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Yeah, real Tarzan was here at the BCH Jungle with his rock hard cock! As you I wish he was more expressive but it was still enjoyable. I am so happy that you enjoyed so much the latest Beefcakes my friend, please stay tuned for more 😉

  • al October 11, 2020

    Mahalo nui loa for Tarzan with his hair down. He’d look great swinging through the jungle.

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Mahalo nui loa to you baby! I am so happy that you enjoyed this and thanks for comment 🙂

  • danirile80 October 13, 2020

    You have spoiled us with all the outstanding films that you have produced during this COVID Comeback. Tarzan was really nervous and more subdued this time around. Nevertheless, like my perceptive BCH BFF, Frederick, noted, Tarzan’s penis was rock hard from the start, Combined with his wonderfully muscled body gained through hard work on the seas and you have impressive visuals.
    Tarzan reminds me of Beefcake Edward (miss him!) with more nerves. I would not mind him coming back for another turn in BCH Land, but I am all about seeing Joe, Jacobo, Kameroon, Justin, Nicholas, Christian, or Kyle to finish off the year.

    • victor October 16, 2020

      I LOVE to spoil you guys! Tarzan for sure was having seconds thoughts but I am so glad he came thru lol, and we should thank to his cock own mind for this success lol I would love to have Tarzan at BCH back soon, meanwhile I am working in getting back soon those Beefcakes that you mentioned my friend, thanks for your wonderful comment like always 😉

  • develand October 29, 2020

    Are u gonna bring this hot stud back for my xmas gift? I’m willing to accept early gifts…just saying

    • victor November 5, 2020

      Ok baby the package is on the way! lol 😉

  • fenthicmoss December 10, 2020

    So happy to see a longhaired type! Great work <3

    • victor December 12, 2020

      Thanks baby, I am so glad that you are enjoying my work! 🙂

  • January 14, 2021

    Just wish he would talk dirty

    • victor January 29, 2021

      I know right? he is so sexy and that cock is very yummy 🙂

  • February 3, 2021

    Love the long hair!!! Would luv to see more of his and other model’s feet especially as they nut. You do great work Vic!

    • victor February 14, 2021

      Thanks baby I’m glad you enjoyed this!I am missing him already ?

  • Robert1204 September 10, 2021

    Victor I want your job! This guy is so fucking hot. Love the facial scene.

    • victor September 11, 2021

      Yes he is very hot! I would love to have him back for more 🙂

  • Phenomenal104 October 31, 2023

    We need more Tarzan please!

    • victor October 31, 2023

      I know, I hope he still around 🙂

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