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Taking a big pearled cock

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Taking a big pearled cock is not new for me, but it is my first time in front of the cameras of BeefCakeHunter Land; what a “premiere” for you Hunters! What was not new was the sexy presence of Beefcake Javier at the BCH arena.

I don’t know if I have mentioned it before to you, Hunters, that Beefcake Javier told me he wouldn’t do the fuck scene, so I was very disappointed because I find him super sexy, and that cock is to die for! I wanted to show more of his pearl since I didn’t show it much in his first video. So, you can imagine how happy I was when he contacted me to tell me he was available for more work!

Chatting a little with Javier, I found out he is no longer with his girlfriend and is currently working on roofing, hence the tan he has! Another thing I noticed, and I loved it, was that he grew out his body hair for this scene; nice touch from him. I couldn’t wait to be Taking a big pearled cock!

By the time I lay down next to this sexy roofer, his cock was at its full glory; all I had to do was open my mouth and feed on that sweet meat…umm, quite a feast! But this didn’t end there; I kept sucking him at the bed’s edge. I could have sucked him for hours! but the show had to go on πŸ˜‰

Once submitted on my four, I let myself embrace what was coming to my little hole. Thankfully, Javier was gentle enough to spare some pain and quickly bring me to the pleasure side of the encounter. I don’t know if it was his big cock or if he is a good fucker, but for being his first time, it felt amazing!

Not satisfied with that, I lay on my side to give the fucking some variety and see how good Javier is. He passed the test once more! I want him to fuck me again, that is for sure, lol.

For the grand finale, I made him sit at the bed’s edge, sucked him some more until he exploded, and then played with his cock a little bit more. I hope you guys enjoy this video Taking a big pearled cock.

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  • MitchK July 20, 2022

    Love how Javier smiles with his sexy eyes! His artistic background really came through as he sculpted pleasures for you both while filling your ass with his thick cock.

    • victor July 26, 2022

      Thanks for pointing out this my friend, he is definitely a sexy dude , with a big cock. I am glad you enjoyed this video πŸ™‚

  • July 20, 2022

    I could listen to him all day…so so sexy!!! Javier is πŸ”₯

    • victor July 26, 2022

      What a sexy voice right? πŸ™‚

  • Bettyboop July 20, 2022

    Oh man, he’s a Titan with a gentle soul! Amen!!! Gracias Vic.

    • victor July 26, 2022

      You are very welcome baby, and you are right πŸ˜‰

  • Honeysuckle July 20, 2022

    Super sexy with the is it me or do most guys become more desirable and alluring with facial hair? I have to admit I did not remember Javier. After this scene, I wont forget him. 😁

    • victor July 26, 2022

      That is true, and actually before I filmed the first time with Javier, he was hairy but he showed up to the studio all shaved, I was disappointed, but now you can see him in all his hairy glory , and he is way more hot!! I won’t forget him either. Thanks for comment my friend πŸ™‚

  • minettalane62 July 20, 2022

    What a treat Vic!
    Javier is so sexy! Love seeing him doing you!!!Can’t wait for you to have Suave to enter your back door! Thx Vic❀️

    • victor July 26, 2022

      Yes he is, and he did me really good πŸ˜‰

  • July 20, 2022

    This was a great video Vic. It’s kind of nice the way you got down to business this time instead of doing an interview. Every now and then it’s nice when the beefcakes are already undressed in their underwear and ready to go.

    What I liked most is how much you enjoyed Javier’s cock, and this time your pleasure really showed. Whether it was the pearl or not that gave you that extra “tickle” your reactions were priceless this time. We truly knew how much you enjoyed yourself his manhood in your man pussy.

    I still have a hope/fantasy that you will do a POV in a bed or on a couch while you suck the beefcake laying on on your stomach. I’ve wished this from the Kevin days in 2018, and have yet to see it happen. I think the intimate sound of the beefcake’s voice while you tickle their tool with your tongue would make a world of difference. So when’s that cuming Vic?

    Stay well, safe and continue to keep up the good work.

    • victor July 26, 2022

      Beefcake Javier is a few words Beefcake so that is why I decided to start like that and I am very happy that you liked it! You are right I really enjoy sucking him , worshipping him, and getting pounded by him, he is tanned, hairy, big eyes, big cock and he performed better than I expected.Taking notes here my friend and thanks for your support! πŸ™‚

  • b1p1k1 July 21, 2022

    Hi Vic what a surprise!!! Oh my fukn god Javier came back to do a fuck scene. He is so sexxxy πŸ˜ƒ such a hamdsome guy, i loved everything about him. He fucked you good with the pearl πŸ’Ž how did it feel? Oh he needs to come back and do.more fuck scenes. We’ll catch up.later friend πŸ’‹ 😘

    • victor July 26, 2022

      Hello baby yeah finally I was able to get him back, let’s see If I can get him for more. That pearl is sexy to me, it didn’t make any difference to be honest but I know he enjoys to know he is using in a hole., and that is HOTTTT!! πŸ™‚

  • SJCWHUK July 21, 2022

    Vim another masterpiece! I love your interaction with him especially after the money shot. Laughed out when I saw you waggle your eyebrows at him. I read it as β€œyou didn’t expect that, did you?” Hope he comes back… is he worthy of a rim? A β€˜Vikrim’?

    • victor July 26, 2022

      Hahahah I love the fact that you noticed that THANK YOU, and yeah a “Vicrim” lol that is amazing . Thanks for having fun with me my friend πŸ™‚

  • July 25, 2022

    What a sexy man is Javier. His voice is so sexy. Seeing him spread out on your bed with all his body hair in view makes this session off to a great start. You quickly discovered his balls and did a Vic number on them. His dick is very impressive. Perfect length and also width. He closed his eyes to enjoy your service. When you moved him to the edge of the bed, he became more involved. You know how glad I am to see my friend the mirror coming into play here. Watching Javier’s beautiful ass working you over, hit home with me. In addition, his fine looking abs were on display. I liked seeing your face more when you were on your side. You got quite verbal,Vic. I don’t blame you at all. Javier did not disappoint and you NEVER do, Vic.

    • victor July 26, 2022

      You are right my friend, the temperature in the room at the start of this video was already very high, that was a good move I think. You know I LOVE balls and he has a delicious pair of them lol I got him very into “the zone” this time , and that was great because after that he was more than ready to pound me good, he did not disappoint us on that, and I am very humble to know that I didn’t either for you my friend. Thanks for comment πŸ™‚

  • danirile80 July 27, 2022

    Javier has the skills and the tools to be another solid denizen of BCH Land, I am in agreement with my BCH BFF in that Javier improved just by letting his body hair grow out. As usual, when they return, you have entranced them with your magical BJ powers. They are hooked; Javier is no different than any other Beefcake.
    We need more of the 2022 models to return. I need a larger sample size for voting purposes πŸ™‚

    • victor July 27, 2022

      Hello my friend, I was worry about you, you took a little longer this time to comment in the video, that is all lol , but please don’t get me wrong feel free to comment at any time you like or no comment at all if you dont want my friend, but I am happy you are here πŸ™‚ There is still much to watch in this 2022 my friend, so don’t worry ,we still 5 months to the elections lol

  • Delaluna777 September 15, 2022

    Javier is so sexy!!! His smile, his cock, his smile! I can’t wait for his next video : )

    • victor September 15, 2022

      I cant wait either, he is os sexy right? πŸ™‚

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