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To our most valuable members, we would like to thank you so much for your support during these challenging times and we want you to know that we couldn't do it without you!

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We take our health very seriously and are doing everything we can to get through these challenging times safely. At some point we may include some videos based on old footage and/or creative content that has never been seen before. This is only temporarily and we are hoping you will find it as entertaining as always while we can get through this together.

Last, we at BCH again want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, it is greatly appreciated!


Sucking sexy auto detailer worker

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Sucking sexy auto detailer worker, One of my friends has been taking his car for polishing to some Car Wash place and noticed how sexy one of the employees named Pancho is, so he made me a huge favor, and he extended my contact info card to him (l have good friends lol) but my friend just forgot a little detail – to tell me!!!
When Beefcake Pancho called me I had no idea who he was, but after he emailed me his pictures, I started fantasizing about him; that lavish macho Latino from Calle 8 looks! Hmm…  He arrived late to our shooting, he blamed a long day at work. I don’t know if that was true or not, but something I know is that I was about to polish his Latino cock. The fact that he is bushy down there and he didn’t shower because his next stop was watching the basketball game made me feel weird, but I can enjoy his macho smell after work all the time, that actually made me super horny, at the end of our game, there was no doubt that he was holding a 4 days Ioad… Enjoy Pancho, he will be back…

                             Sucking sexy auto detailer worker

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  • July 7, 2015

    yes PLEASE bring more brown & black models!!!

  • raymondu February 8, 2016

    love pancho he is my favorite please find him again

    • victor February 9, 2016

      I wish my friend , I have lost contact with him ..

  • jnguyenn92 October 7, 2020

    El Mejor !! ( The best!!)

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Que bueno que te gusto uno de los primeros Beefcakes 🙂 ( I am glad you like him one of the first Beefcakes 🙂 )

  • SuiGeneris29 September 2, 2023

    Pancho was the first model I ever saw you suck. He’s so fine, he has some good dick, and he has a nice ass too! I enjoy watching him fuck.

    • victor September 4, 2023

      Yeah, one of my first great discoveries 🙂

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