Sucking Blatino Construction Worker Raul
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Continuing with My Border Adventures, I now find myself Sucking Blatino Construction Worker Raul, a referral from Ignacio. That is right, Hunters! Beefcake Ignacio was so happy with his pay after that first step in BeefCakeHunter Land that he couldn’t contain himself and ended up telling several of his roommates, Beefcake Raúl being the only one who was encouraged… for now 😉
As expected, since he arrived at my improvised BCH Studio, Beefcake Raul’s nervousness was evident, but something told me that he was also curious about the situation; after all, he had not received a blowjob in a year, nor did he usually masturbate, he prefers to keep his mind on other things.
After the casual chat, Raul was still not relaxed; he constantly moved around, hiding his face with his hands. He even asked me for some time to calm himself down…poor thing! In other words, making this Sucking Blatino Construction Worker Raul scene challenging.
But once I got him naked, I was happy to see that he had hairy legs, but I also discovered that he had shaved his pubes! He said that he didn’t know, and that is true; these adventures don’t leave me much room for preparations 🙂
I started by licking his balls and watching his reactions; they were hot and funny simultaneously. It took a minute for Raul to get into the “zone,” but he started to pay more attention to what I was doing to him once he did. I won’t say we have another moaner here, but there were moments when we could hear some whispering. He became more verbal towards the end when he started begging me to make him cum, since he couldn’t hold it any longer! lol
In the end, he gave us a nice thick load that I captured with my mouth, then I spit it out on his manly belly. I hope you guys enjoy this video Sucking Blatino Construction Worker Raul.
Sucking Blatino Construction Worker Raul

Nice body wish you could have shown his cumshot through handjob 🙁 Otherwise nice. Hope he comes back maybe you could have him and his roomate together?
I am glad you enjoyed most of the video my friend. I think he is coming back for more 😉
He is sexy
Yes he is! 🙂
Yes! Physically Raul is my type of guy. When it comes to Latino men I do prefer the more dark complextion, meatier ones. But I wasnt sure I was going to enjoy due to his extreme nervousness. But it was good to see he finally found his zone. I also notice it did not take long for him to become aroused once you had him in your mouth. Overall good first impression. Hope to see him back again. And hope next time you show us his load on your tongue instead of spitting it out. I loved how thick and creamy it looked. 🙂
Wow I am glad that he is your type baby, mature and darker. I am working in getting him in my back door my friend, please stay tuned for that 🙂
I must give you credit Victor, you handled him very, very patiently because you can tell he was SUPER nervous. Handsome guy…maybe next time he will be more comfortable with what amazing service you can give him 🙂
Thanks baby, yea he gave me a hard time but at the end the won! Right? 😉
I actually found his nervousness endearing. You can tell he’s a good boy. So sexy the way you eased him into it, Vic! Loving these border adventures.
I agree with you on that baby. It was not easy bit it worth it! lol Thanks for loving My Border Adventures baby 🙂
Thank you. I love when they cum in your mouth. It’s not to see their reactions when you keep sucking while they cum.
Hahahah I am glad you do my friend 🙂
He’s very sexy! He loved the blowjob! The nervousness didn’t bother me at all. He’s a hunk!!
Right? yes he is and he succumbed good to our service ummmm 🙂
Loved him!!! Def need another scene he’s getting more comfortable
That is probably true, and that is why he is coming back, please stay tuned baby 🙂
Love when you find the older guys
Thanks baby, I am happy to read this 🙂
Me encantó el video, sobre todo como los llevas poco a poco al clímax.
Me gusta el ambiente ahora que estas creando que se ve todo el cuerpo eso si también sacales las medias el fetiche también es rico cuando les lames los pies e incluso cuando se vienen como se encorvan los dedos de los pies es delicioso, Vic.(I loved the video, especially how you take them little by little to the climax.
I like the atmosphere now that you are creating that you can see the whole body, that if you also take off their stockings, the fetish is also delicious when you lick their feet and even when they come as their toes curl, it is delicious, Vic.)
Me encanto saber todos estos detalles que mencionas mi amigo, gracias por recalcarlos, así veo que mi trabajo y esfuerzo valen la pena. Besos 🙂 (I loved knowing all these details that you mention my friend, thanks for emphasizing them, so I see that my work and effort are worth it. Kisses :))
me encanta , sobretodo me pone cuando los machos te envian otros amigos, me ha pasado varias veces y me excita mas,,,ojala Ignacio envie mas compañeros obreros de la construccion (I love it, especially it turns me on when the males send you other friends, it has happened to me several times and it excites me more, I hope Ignacio sends more fellow construction workers )
Si es excitante, como alguien una vez lo dijo: Como ser la mosca en la pared escuchando esa conversación jajajaja (If it’s exciting, as someone once said: Like being the fly on the wall listening to that conversation hahahaha )
Perfecto moreno, I usually don’t like spitting out the nut but he needed you to suck to completion and I needed to see the aftermath. 💛😋
Yeah thanks for that baby, you got it! 😉
“The cocks are big and wide
Deep in the heart of Texas,,,,”
Had some personal issues, but just had to comment on the outstanding Border Adventure Series. I continue to be over the moon that you came to Texas and sampling the best that the border towns have to offer.
Raul has got to be the most nervous Beefcake to date, Nevertheless, his nervousness adds an extremely erotic power dynamic, The image of the film is Raul spread out on the mattress with his head hanging over the edge, and you sucking on his hard cock. At that moment, you controlled everything in Raul’s world, that was HOT! Only thing that would have made the scene better would be a third camera highlighting Raul’s facial expressions.
Maybe you can get Raul and Ignacio’s boss to come through in company bj profile. The Hunter’s are ready for one of the new border Beefcakes to level up!
You are right my friend, I am having so much fun on and off camera at this border towns that I am seriously thinking to open a BCH Land Embassy here lol Surely what stands out in this video is Raul’s reactions, that at the end of the day are so hot! And yeah, soon we will be leveling up the action down here. Please stay tuned for that my friend 🙂
Vic, I guess “word of mouth” is working in your/our favor. In this case it is your mouth and what you can do with it. Hopefully the “word” will spread more. Raul represents the more mature Beefcakes. He is a good addition to your Border Adventures As my BCH BFF has commented, Raul is probably the most nervous of all. You deserve a medal, Vic, for dealing with him the way you did. You didn’t get a medal, but you did get a big hot load as your reward. Raul has perfect body hair all over EXCEPT for the shaved pubes. What a shame. He was almost pretending nothing was happening, but cocks don’t lie. His was big and hard almost in spite of himself. Again Bravo to you, Vic. I hope he will get the courage to make another trip to your room. I want to see how he responds to the second time.
Hahaha you are right, my mouth is getting famous around the border lol. I will take a hot load any day instead of a medal 🙂 And yeah my friend, he is coming back to my room, and hopefully he will be more relaxed. Thanks for commenting baby 🙂
He was definitely uncomfortable but maybe some wine or beer next time because he was sexy and I think with time he could really open up
Yeah I am pretty sure he will 😉
Loved it. When he is more comfortable it’ll be amazing. Is Kyng, Dracke or Marcus coming back?
Yes he will be. Out of the three you mentioned, I got in touch with Beefcake Dracke a few months ago, he was kind of ready to come back but then he chickened out again!! Well, please wish me lick with him my friend 🙂
He is so yummy 👅👅
Yes he is 😎