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Servicing hung Hawaiian straight dude

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Servicing hung Hawaiian straight dude Kaina was a feast! He is a Hawaiian and Black Mixed Beefcake, that makes him very interesting; he is tall, has a sexy smile, and a dark skin toned with a deep voice, hmm he can’t get any sexier than that right? Kaina is married and works as a trucker, he is making decent money but it seems that he is lacking the proper oral attention and this was the perfect excuse for him to get some attention and also get a “bonus”, a bonus that he will use to surprise his wife for their anniversary, how sweet.

He insisted on the idea of wearing shades to make it difficult for him to be recognized (well… I had my doubts). Either way I was so glad to work with him, he was pretty quiet and nervous when we first met but little by little his great personality was unfolding and of course along with a super hard and big size cock! I took my time in touching his cock to get it hard, even after it was hard, I teased him a little bit more.

I asked him about his sexual experiences and my usual but never failed question β€œif he likes blow jobs”, when he answered with the hottest “yes!” I didn’t waste any second more and I wrapped my lips around his magnificent cock. Then the feast began by servicing hung Hawaiian straight dude Kaina, a few minutes after I started blowing him he changed his rigid posture to give more facial expressions and eye contact, then he started whispering some words of pleasure and I heard a little moaning, hmm.

I am pretty sure he can moan louder than that, but maybe the next time. Gosh! That cock was delicious and it never went soft, at the end he delivered a good amount of cum like he promised me, I was very pleased by his performance, I kissed his nipples as appreciation and of course because I was dying to do so. LOL. Enjoy this video servicing hung Hawaiian straight dude!

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  • July 28, 2016

    OH YES ! What a handsome guy with a beautiful skin color. A great slim body with a beautiful dick with a downward curve to it. Slides right down, right Vic? Loved his hairy arm pits too. Always hot when they take your head and face fuck you. Another super blow job with a super guy..

    • victor July 30, 2016

      You are right Frederick , Kaina’s cock slides right down…good eye! lol , you can tell that I enjoyed a lot his cock and I would love to have him fuck me with that tool but he didn’t give me many hopes lol but lets see …we never know right? πŸ™‚

  • July 28, 2016

    Very hot!!

    • victor July 30, 2016

      yes, Kain mis super hot, what a nice cock right? πŸ™‚

  • danirile80 July 29, 2016

    Aloha, Kaina! Thank you Victor for bringing on another handsome black stud! The sunglasses detract a little from the film, but Kaina makes up for it with that cum shot along with the grunts and involuntary body flexing. I hope his truck route brings him back your way. See if you play with his hole. Thanks

    • victor July 30, 2016

      that is right! aloha Kaina! You know I am not big fan of mask or shades but sometimes that is the only way, you have no idea of the hotties I have turn down for those reasons, there wouldn’t be a problem to me ( since I know how they look lol) but I guess for most of Hunters may be πŸ˜‰

  • July 30, 2016

    So sexy!!!

    • victor July 30, 2016

      I totally agree with you, Kaina is super sexy! πŸ™‚

  • b2p2k2 August 5, 2016

    I hope he decides to fuck you Vic I know he will enjoy it Muah!!!

    • victor August 8, 2016

      he told me that he wont , πŸ™ but my experience tells me, that those NO’s are never final πŸ˜‰

  • Rocktjm February 26, 2021

    Wow just wow, oh and hot hot hot

    • victor March 4, 2021

      Right? I still waiting for his call lol

  • danirile80 January 17, 2022

    Kaina, mahalo! Kaina had that mystery masculine testosterone vibe going on that brings all the Hunters to the yard, LOL!

    I love watching Kaina cum, His body tensed, he grunted, and gave up the seed. Even with the sunglasses all the other body cues made this a BCH BBC classic.

    I imagine Kaina traveling America’s backroads, stopping at one of mid America’s truck stops and being serviced in the back of his truck cab., LOL! I wonder if Kaina’s truck route still swings through BCH Land…

    Hopefully, you can bring us some new Kaina-like models in 2022;)

    • victor January 19, 2022

      What a hot description of sexy Kayna! I found him so hot, and for sure I am always in the look out for more like him πŸ™‚

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