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Servicing divorced straight dude

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Servicing divorced straight dude Robert was a hot long oral session that was worth it every minute! Beefcake Robert is a recently divorced Construction worker that is trying to get back on his feet by having multiple gigs, and been at the BCH arena is just another one of themΒ  πŸ™‚

We have been in touch for almost a week, and when he finally decided to become a Beefcake, he suddenly had some construction and painting gigs that he didn’t want to turn down, after all, those are everyday gigs, and we here at BeefCakeHunterΒ Land have flexible β€œwork hours”, so I had to accommodate myself to him for when he has some free time next.

Few days passed until he finally called me to shoot …the same day! Wow, I had to run and get everything ready, but I won’t lie, I kind of knew it was goingΒ to beΒ like that, so I was half ready lol, but the struggle didn’t end there, before he started Β heading to the studio he had some second thoughts mostly because he knows he has a hard time cumming from just oral, and he shared with me, but I promised him that I would do the trick, that I have β€œsome experience” lol Β and I will make it happen πŸ˜‰

By the way the chat developed I thoughtΒ that he was a little nervous or that he is a serious kind of person, but while making this Serviced divorced straight dude, I realized it was both. But the scene flowed very smoothly, Beefcake Robert is not too verbal but his facial expressions at moments are hot. He didn’t get hard immediately but once he did, that delicious cock was rock hard! Yummy!

I loved sucking his balls and playing with his cock,Β he almost never took his eyes off from what I was doing to him, is something that many Hunters will love!

It seemed that he was right and that it was goingΒ to beΒ hard to make him cum. But come on! No, that night, that night I surprised him with a last-minute trick that made him ejaculate that week load! He looked very surprised but satisfied lol I hope you guys enjoy this Servicing divorced straight dude video.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Servicing divorced straight dude

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  • develand July 7, 2021

    I definitely approve! The only thing that could have made it better was if he would have told you to eat his ass out and then spit in your mouth…oh yeah and have removed his socks first and then, given you a shower! Hope that wasn’t too much Vic, sorry if it was πŸ˜‰

    • victor July 12, 2021

      I am glad you like him πŸ˜‰

  • Karlieb91 July 7, 2021

    Dude was sexy and super chill; I liked the way he watched the whole thing. And he said the magic words I always like to hear: “Keep going”

    • victor July 12, 2021

      Right? I love the way he is super chill, he was there ALL the time, I enjoyed it. Thanks for comment my friend πŸ™‚

  • vhortizuela July 7, 2021

    Wooow hopefully he’ll be back soon to be behind you

    • victor July 12, 2021

      He said yes, so lets hope πŸ™‚

  • July 8, 2021

    He’s the manliest man that you’ve had in a long time. I loved how you started by taking in the head and pulling it all in. From his quick erection I think he loved it too. And, then, the real show stopper for me was pulling in both low hangers in at one time over and over. Applause! Applause!

    • victor July 12, 2021

      That is what I like the most about him.He got really hard right? thanks for comment my friend πŸ™‚

  • motion1234 July 8, 2021

    My kind of man Vic….subtle, masculine, and gorgeous cock… very sexy

    • victor July 12, 2021

      Same here baby πŸ™‚

  • danirile80 July 10, 2021

    Robert falls into the category with BCH Ginger Legend, Edward, and one-hit wonder, Phillip, an almost masculine soft-spookiness , if that is a thing. You can tell this was all new to him, but these model types provide the best first time debuts.
    Notice how Robert all but ignored the porn that you had playing for him. He watched everything that you were doing to him Victor. Nevertheless, you could tell that he was enjoying the experience through his facial expressions. He would roll his head back, his eyes would narrow and blink slowly like a cat that was had found pleasure in some catnip. That was hot! It made it even more sexy to know that he is another one of those Beefcakes that are hidden in plain sight at your local Home Depot like Joe or Kip. Keep serving up the white boy, redneck Beefcakes. LOL!
    I hope that Robert is not a one-hit wonder and he comes back for anal. At this point with the number of request for returnees, we are well into 2022. :O:!
    Still batting 1,000m Victor!

    • victor July 12, 2021

      You are right, he is in that category.I was surprised as well about his undivided attention and I loved it! I am working on his return already my friend, so please stay tuned πŸ™‚

  • July 11, 2021

    I think we all want to hear the words Robert said, “Go for it ” YOU went for it alright, Vic. You helped yourself to those great balls of his. I like to see a “grower” and Robert provided that as well. Thanks for telling him to put his hands behind his head. It gave us a nice look at his pits. Robert looked content during the entire session. No great expression or reactions. Just content. I think I will use your line “I love the view from here” from now on. Thanks for that. Robert put me in mind a bit of one of my all time favorites, Joe. Robert’s answer of “sometime, maybe” leaves it all up in the air as to if we see him again. I am disappointed he didn’t want a shower. That deprived me of watching his ass climb your stairs.

    • victor July 12, 2021

      Ohh those balls are to die for lol.He is a gentleman and let me work his cock my way, I love that! I always said that line lol but I don’t think I have ever used in the films. Please stay tuned my friend for more of Robert πŸ˜‰

  • July 11, 2021

    quiet and sexy, masculine…hot as fuck..loved the attention he was being paid…how unfortunate that a man like this does not get the proper attention he deserves on a regular basis…almost unbelievable to me that the ladies leave him unattended, of course my thoughts are that a man like this is a gift…would treat in him royally in everyway, you know that he would appreciate all the attention lavished on him..and would be so kind and grateful in return…lots of dumb women out there…..the man I want for a bf…need to find him…will find him….great job Vic

    • victor July 12, 2021

      Yes baby you will and I am really amazed by your description of Robert, so on point! Thanks baby πŸ™‚

  • geep7300 July 15, 2021

    Damn, Robert goes str8 to the head of my cl(ass)! His sexy laid-back, self-assured masculine disposition got me throbbin’ fast πŸ‘πŸ·

    • victor July 23, 2021

      Perfect description of Robert’s appealing, I found him very sexy and interesting too πŸ™‚

  • Sexdreams July 17, 2021

    Robert looks a bit like Macaulay Culkin, but he’s a hell of a lot more handsome and attractive. He looks like a bad boy and that makes him very hot, his look is almost killer, maybe ass killer… hahaha. That he’s a bit older also makes him much more attractive. Definitely a good hunt.

    • victor July 23, 2021

      I totally agree with you about he been so sexy and having the bad boy attitude, not too sure if we can compare him to Macaulay C lol Thanks for comment my friend πŸ™‚

  • July 29, 2021

    Chile I tell you You be having all the trade . I need to come to Florida and hang out with u

    • victor August 3, 2021

      lol ok πŸ˜‰

  • April 30, 2022

    Hot and butch.

    • victor May 1, 2022

      Right? I love those type of Beefcakes πŸ™‚

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