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Covid-19 Valued Member Notice:

To our most valuable members, we would like to thank you so much for your support during these challenging times and we want you to know that we couldn't do it without you!

During this period of time our entire staff are working hard to continue in providing you with weekly entertainment. We always believe in being straight forward and honest with our members and so we wanted to share with you some temporary updates to our content delivery procedures and what to expect.

We take our health very seriously and are doing everything we can to get through these challenging times safely. At some point we may include some videos based on old footage and/or creative content that has never been seen before. This is only temporarily and we are hoping you will find it as entertaining as always while we can get through this together.

Last, we at BCH again want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, it is greatly appreciated!


Marcus Live Show Video 08/05/18

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Marcus Live Show Video 08/05/18 has been in the Archived Live Shows Videos for quite some time, but as many Hunters suggested me, it is time for all the Hunters to watch what the Live Shows are all about, while I resume to my regular hunting ๐Ÿ˜‰

The Hunters that are watching the Live Shows have commands that they can click for the Beefcake doing the show to perform as requested. When the Marcus Live Show Video 08/05/18 started there were a few minutes with no commands; so, Marcus began doing his own thing. Once the commands started popping in, he got to work. I think it was great that he read them, that way you get the idea of what commands are available, even though, not all of them were requested.

This was Beefcake Marcus first Live Show, he was a little nervous initially but after a few minutes he got very comfortable. I was there all along, in case he needed a โ€œhelping handโ€, and I was really handy when he requested me as a special guest; something that never happened before in previous Live Shows with other Beefcakes. I suck his cock for a few minutes, after all, that was not part of the show, I hope you donโ€™t mind ๐Ÿ˜‰

After he got his cock wet with my warm mouth, the commands part of the Live Show was over. It was time for him to go free style, enjoy himself and get that big nut out for our delight!

I hope you guys enjoy this Marcus Live Show Video 08/05/18 and thank you for your continued support. I am looking forward to continuing to bring you more of what many have not seen at BeefCakeHunter Land and I hope to be back at the BCH arena with new Beefcakes soon, please stay safe my friends!

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  • kagan2 July 8, 2020

    what ever happened to him? he is one of my favorites!

    • victor July 14, 2020

      I don’t know baby, I hope he is doing well ๐Ÿ™‚

  • July 8, 2020

    ^ ditto bring Marcus back ?

    • victor July 14, 2020

      I know right? I miss him too ๐Ÿ™‚

  • BBC2019 July 9, 2020

    I miss Marcus! He is so sexy! Bring him back please!

    • victor July 14, 2020

      I wish my friend, I hope you have enjoy this archived live show of his, thanks for comment my friend ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Andysol July 10, 2020

    Hay dios mio que negro tan mas sabroso (Oh my god, what a delicious black guy)

    • victor July 14, 2020

      la verdad que si, y que manera de cojer! Gracias por comentar mi amigo ๐Ÿ™‚ ( That’s true, and how well he fucks! Thanks for comment my friend ๐Ÿ™‚ )

  • BB July 11, 2020

    Yes PLEASE bring back Marcus, Brod and Nino!!! Mmm Nino!

    • victor July 14, 2020

      OMG Nino! Thanks for mention him, he was cutie as well, and that cock! ummm ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • danirile80 July 12, 2020

    Thanks for reminding us how fantastic the Jamaican Sensation was, I loved your guest appearance. Marcus was a little shy and uncertain at first, but when he started going, it was great. If you have to go back to the Live Archive. post one of the Great J;s: Jacobo or Justin next! Be safe and thanks for keeping us entertained!

    • victor July 14, 2020

      You are very welcome my friend, I am glad you enjoyed my 2 minutes of fame there! lol There is more from those Archives that will be unlocked , please stay tuned baby ๐Ÿ™‚

  • July 12, 2020

    Glad to see my friend Danirile80 back with us. No doubt Marcus is popular among us Hunters. Perhaps many have not seen Marcus in action like this before. There is no doubt he has a prize winning dick and seems to love showing it off. Who wouldn’t ? I did like him reading some of the commands as they came in. He had no problem responding. I was happy to see you, Vic, called in to the action. Vic to the rescue again !!As usual, my comments and those of Danirile80 are much alike. So Don’t forget my favorite J— Jason.
    Thank you for taking such good care of us Hunters during these unusual times.

    • victor July 14, 2020

      I am glad to see Danirile80 back at the comments as well and you are right, his comments and your are alike, and I love it! You certainly agree with me that Marcus always give us a great show, and I was very honored that he got me an “special guest” lol, that was a very BCH moment. I will continue unlocking those archived shows, but I cant promise I can bring all of them, for example Jason’s was the first one and I believe I was not able to save it, please dont get mad at me my friend, I know Jason is your favorite but I never thought that would be his last performance in a show, let me see what I can do ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Pedryo July 15, 2020

    What happened to the previous weeks post? why’d you remove it? ๐Ÿ™

    • victor July 15, 2020

      Hello my friend, the last two weekly updates before this Marcus Live Show were a Beefcake Charlie and Beefcake Karavana re-mastered videos. When I post the re-mastered videos, they will appear first in the home page, but as we move to the next week update, they will be back to their original chronology position, the reason for that is that I don’t want to create the false perception that I am adding new content, when I am actually re-mastering worthy old content, the credibility of the site is very important for me. Here is the links to those 2 remastered videos:

      Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify this my friend ๐Ÿ™‚

  • November 14, 2020

    Hi Victor, I’ve been a fan and member for a few years now. I love all your vids and have my fav beefcakes too.
    Will you be bringing back these guys?

    Please let us know.

    • victor November 25, 2020

      I would love to say yes to all of them but honestly only Kyle is probably ๐Ÿ™‚

  • jnastyaf October 29, 2021

    I hate that I missed this life! Marcus is the only reason well not the only reason but definitely 1 of the main reasons I joined beefcake hunter’s! I asked to the love him and will be looking for him LOL!!!

    • victor November 1, 2021

      Wow I am sorry that you missed, but well you have this, I am missing Marcus ๐Ÿ™‚

  • winner878 October 5, 2023

    Didnโ€™t he do a second live show? Hope we will be seeing that with the revamped website

    • victor October 6, 2023

      No he didn’t, we supposed to, but he never showed up. I still miss him ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Cubanito2u December 11, 2023

    Bring Daddy Marcus BACK

    • victor December 12, 2023

      Ok baby, I will look for him again ๐Ÿ™‚

  • winner877 May 26, 2024

    What happened to the 2nd live? i remember I bought a ticket years ago. Planning to rerelease it?

    • victor May 30, 2024

      Unfortunately, no, my friend, he couldn’t make it at the last minute. We were all very excited about the show! ๐Ÿ™‚

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