Making Tarzan nut fast
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Making Tarzan nut fast was delicious! It’s been a long time since we had the pleasure of enjoying this sexy dude here at BeefCakeHunter land. So, when I had the opportunity to invite him once again to the BCH arena, I was very happy. There is something about this sexy married man’s cock that drives me crazy 😉
I know that many Hunters do not like men with long hair, personally, I have no problem with it, if they are very manly, as Tarzan is, that’s why on this occasion I made him pick up his long hair to project a different look.
With the blessing of his girlfriend, Tarzan saved two days’ load for us, and as soon I got on my knees, I started rubbing his package to get him in the mood, and by the moment I took off his pants, I went straight for his beautiful big balls, slowly getting him into the “zone” while he was moaning softly.
As I mentioned above, Tarzan’s cock drives me crazy, so I sucked in every possible way, going from fast and rough to slow and sensual, just hearing him moan was enough to keep myself on the edge, at some point, I even dared to kiss his hairy chest, I know, I got very close to his face, maybe a missing opportunity for a kiss lol
I know that I orally serviced him longer than expected for a fuck scene and I knew I would be Making Tarzan nut fast, so I decided to put the condom on and get on my fours to receive that big tool in my tight hole.
Once on my fours, Tarzan started to pound me well, his perfect-shaped tool goes well inside my hole, the feeling was amazing, and since he was already way into the zone, he had my blessing to not worry too much about the timing, you know, sometimes the Beefcakes want to give us a good long performance, but in this case that wouldn’t work for him, so I saved him the stress lol, of course, I wish it have lasted longer but, at least he nutted good!
I hope you guys enjoy this video Making Tarzan nut fast.
Making Tarzan nut fast

That deep sexy voice, those masculine sexy legs…..and that hairy chest….. This really did it for me…… He is a true MAN!
You see in him exactly what I saw in him since the first time, he is the man! Thanks for commenting baby 😘
He’s so hot 🔥 I like a lot of things about him 👍🏽👍🏽
Me too baby, I am so happy that you like him so much 😊
Evan and now Tarzan! Thank you so much Vic! Two of my all time favorite guys on here. We need Justin back too!
Justin will be back soon my friend, please stay tuned 😎
FEARLESS LEADER (VIC😋) Nate2790 is soooright!! It’s been since Christmas that Justin stopped by.. ?. I hope everything is ok because my loins are calling out for my “Straight Daddy” (that’s what I call him…),😲 Anyways, great job Vic!
I know baby, it has been a while, but the waiting will be over soon 😉
Beautiful….. love his body. I would of eaten his ass for sure
I am so happy that you enjoyed this scene my friend 😜
🔥🔥🔥🔥that video was hot!!
Right? I am glad you loved it! 😜
Tarzan, I can be your Jane. You’re exceptional just gorgeous.
Yes he is, I would love to enjoy that cock again ☺️
I am glad to see Tarzan make an appearance at BFCH land once again. I’d given up hope of ever enjoying him again. I should know by now that you , Vic, never give up on searching for long lost Beefcakes. He has such a sexy voice matched with a super sexy smile. I do not mind long hair on a guy. It depends on which guy and if it suits him. Tarzan’t long locks definitely suit him. Tarzan has a great body and perfect body hair . He shows his obvious enjoyment of your servicing his beauty of a cock. Vic, you could not hide how much you love that cock. Worship comes to mind. Great position with you on your fours on the floor and him working you hole from sitting on the bed. I hope Tarzan will swing by again before too long. He can show off his hair as far as I’m concerned.
You know me well my friend, and you know I am persistent. Like you I think that Tarzan is hot with his long hair. I really went into a frenzy with his perfect tool, nobody can blame me for that right? 😂 I definitely would like him back at BCH Land. Thanks for commenting my friend 😊
Ahoy, Victor! Another one of the Beefcakes at Sea has returned in the form of Tarzan, What is about those fisherman and longshoremen (see Martin and Alexander)?
I was just as surprised as you on the return of Tarzan. I forgot how sexy it is to hear Tarzan moan. Like Evan, he tries to ignore the sensations, but Tarzan eventually succumbs and just enters into the zone. Those guttural moans just drive you to frenzy. You were clearly caught up in edging Tarzan.
Once again, I’m in agreeemtn with my BCH BFF; I am digging that position with Tarzan mounting you and drilling you from behind. Just zoom the camera out a bit so that we can see the head and facial expressions from the front. Is that the first time that you have filmed in that position from the bed (Keith did it on the mat)? I’d like to see models like Marquis, Gabriel, or Suave (you know the lobby was coming :))
The image of the film was post-ejaculation and Tarzan sits back on the bed, and his red hot dick was twitching and still rock hard. The Hunters know that you could not hide your disappointment that Tarzan came so quickly. Oh well, maybe the next time he comes back to BCH Arena he will last longer. I just hope it’s not a 2 year hiatus 🙂
I love fishermen at this point too my friend 😂.Yeah I couldn’t hide my devotion to Tarzan’s cock! I know I miss some angles in this scene, but it was a different scenario, and at the end it came out right.It is funny how I couldn’t hide my disappointment for him summing too soon lol Thanks for comment my friend 😎
I paid little attention to his previous videos. His 0% effort to participate, totally ruins it for me. But I love it when a straight boy pops up wanting to repeat the experience!
And yes, his dick and balls are perfect.
I know that some Hunters want more interaction, for me it was just perfect, I don’t really expect so much excitement from a straight guy, as long that cock is hard! 😂 Thanks for commenting baby 😎
PLEASE bring him back!!! He’s so beautiful and so masculine. He is my FAVORITE!!!
Right? I can’t have enough of this man myself, hopefully he is back soon. Thanks for commenting baby 😘
que rica pose te follo , es raro que te hagan esa postura , debes de hacerla la mas seguido me encanto (what a delicious position I fuck you, it’s rare that they do that position to you, you must do it often I loved it!)
Fue bien improvisada, pero rica. Ok lo tratare en mas escenas en el futuro. Gracias por comentar mi amigo 🙂 ( It was very improvised, but delicious. Ok I will try to do in more scenes in the future. Thanks for commenting my friend 🙂 )
WOW! What a difference time makes!?!?!?
Seeing his return, did not necessarily excite me bc the first two encounters, he left me flat. Then I commented negatively after seeing it once. Something drew me back to watch it and I swear, I’m head-over-heels for this man!! It’s hosted many boners the last few weeks. The beanie is perfect, perfect, perfect! His smile, his body, his hard cock and his moaning is the perfect combination to make fall in love.. I’ve stayed true to Justin for the longest and I sure hope he BRINGS IT on the upcoming video bc I’m about to change my name to Jane and live happily ever after with this MF’er!!
Wonder what brought him back after all this time..??
I hope your reaction at the end doesn’t keep him away.
I am so happy that you finally see what I saw in him years ago, and yeah he was willing to come back for more, so I hope to get him back soon for more. Thanks for commenting baby 🙂
Cómo regularmente lo comento es una delicia ver y escuchar a un macho que goce de las mamadas de un experto porque por mucho que una mujer haga orales, no tiene comparación cuando un experto mamador como tú les hace hasta dudar de su hetero flexibilidad 🤣😂. Tarzan no es de mis favoritos aunque está buenísimo , pero con esta escena de redimió … Felicidades Vic well done !! 👍 (As I regularly comment on it, it is a delight to see and listen to a male who enjoys blowjobs from an expert because no matter how much a woman does orals, there is no comparison when an expert blowjob like you makes them even doubt their hetero flexibility 🤣😂. Tarzan is not one of my favorites although he’s great, but with this scene he redeemed himself… Congratulations Vic well done!! 👍)
Gracias por comentar mi amigo. Tienes razón, creo que jamas se va a comparar lo que nosotros los mamadores le hacemos sentir, mas que todo porque tampoco es tan seguido que reciban esa atención oral que a todo hombre le encanta. Yo personalmente encuentro a Tarzan buenísimo, y su polla es una de las mas deliciosas, grande, gruesa, venosa y bronceada ummmm 😉 (Thanks for commenting my friend. You’re right, I think that what we suckers make them feel will never be compared, more than anything because it’s not often that they receive that oral attention that every man loves. I personally find Tarzan super hot , and his cock is one of the most delicious, big, thick, veiny and tanned ummmm 😉 )
hope to see tarzan,in behind the door series…must be very very very sexy!
I am hoping for the same, I LOVE his cock too 🙂
love to suck that cock!!! his very hot
Right? Beautiful and thick cock! 😉
It’s been a year. Be great to see this guy return. Every few weeks, I have to come back for more visuals of his monster dick. It’s a beautiful cock both, soft and hard.
I want him back as well. His cock is delicious. I am so happy that you enjoyed him 🙂
And I’ve searched for his straight videos he referenced and had no luck.i could watch him and that dick destroy a pussy.
I think those vids were for a girl only fans account 😉
This was super super hot … .omg so fucking hot. can u please please 🙏🏽 lay on your stomach one day and let one of them fellas have control. So we can see them LOSE CONTROL . let them go to pound town so the fans can see how much they have gotten comfortable with that now they let the guard down to totally it with no hold back …..please
I totally agree in making an scene like, I would love it, please stay tuned 🙂
hope to see him sucked by you again when he is stand behind the door,soooo sexy!
I find him very sexy as well. Maybe I should have him back for another bj session? 🙂
He is the perfect Beefcake to be TARZAN! He’s sexy, hot and gorgeous–#thebestbeefcake
Right? That is our Tarzan in BCH Land 🙂
Top 5, it’s the angle, the positioning lbs. it’s crazy to me I started watching this shit at a said age and now im a real subscriber seeing full content in the 10th yr of BCH anniversary. All I ask is for a towering complication and “gangbang” rally themmm uppp Vic go biggggg. Besides that if I could do you I would rewatching your YT interview lol
Many things are coming to BCH Land, my friend; thanks for your support all these years! 🙂