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Jane lent me Tarzan to blow him

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We got lucky that Jane lent me Tarzan to blow him lol, I am just kidding, I don’t know the name of Beefcake Tarzan’s wife but for sure she is a lucky woman, because he is so sexy, and his cock is to die for 🙂

It took me a while to convince Tarzan to visit BeefCakeHunter Land. He and his wife have created some content in the past, but he has never ventured beyond his known sexual borders, but thanks to his wife and some plans that they have for the near future, he finally took my offer!

In this occasion that Jane lent me Tarzan to blow him I was not sure to cast him with his long hair or not, but I ended up deciding not to, if there is another shooting with him, I will let him show his long hair in its full glory, after all he is very masculine, with a deep voice and attractive tanned body for been working outside under the sun for long hours, and the long hair just add more sex appeal to his persona….ummm.

After chatting a lot about his day, work and why they call him Tarzan I got between his thick tanned legs and I started caress them, for my surprise he took it well, even though you can tell his nervousness of having for the first time a guy this close, but Beefcake Tarzan was ready for the BCH treatment by not wearing underwear.

I began by licking his big balls and his cock started to grow faster than I expected, and honestly, I didn’t think that it will be that big and beautiful! I took my time with this one!

Deep throat was the main dish in this session, Tarzan’s cock is perfect for that and I love when he was softly moaning of pleasure when laying his head back, you could tell that he may never had his cock worshiped like that lol

It was a long servicing and I am not complaining for it, but he surprised me when he cum, I did not expect it at all and we almost miss the cum-shot for the cameras, I was very worried about it, anyways was a great jizz explosion after a great oral service, he really let me wanting more, and the good news is that he  said that is coming back for more, so I hope you guys enjoy this video Jane lent me Tarzan to blow him.

                              Jane lent me Tarzan to blow him

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  • develand September 23, 2020


    • victor October 12, 2020

      Right? 😉

  • September 23, 2020

    Victor!!! He’s amazing! Always with a better one!!! Please don’t forget Brad Josue and Kyle!! ???

    • victor October 12, 2020

      I am glad you like him my friend, How can I forget those? lol

  • Dick2018 September 23, 2020

    Ok the way you adjusted his leg right before he came was evil status ??

    • victor October 12, 2020

      lol I was afraid he was covering the cum-shot with his leg lol

  • September 23, 2020

    LOVE him and his big cock ! So handsome and strong !!

    • victor October 12, 2020

      I love his cock, it is amazing, thanks for comment my friend 🙂

  • September 23, 2020

    Amei esse cara , delicia de pau ( I love this guy, a delicious cock )

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Eu também amei aquele pau! 😉 ( I also loved that cock! ;))

  • September 23, 2020

    Lindo , lindo (Pretty, pretty)

    • victor October 12, 2020


  • Sexdreams September 23, 2020

    Omg ya estoy viendo un futuro video con Tarzan con el pelo mojado y un taparrabos, haciéndoselo a un lado y follándote como su estuviera en la selva. Ahí queda la idea!! (Omg I’m already watching a future video with Tarzan with wet hair and a loincloth, pushing it aside and fucking you like you were in the jungle. There is the idea! )

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Me gusta la idea, quizás una escena exterior? ummmm ( I like the idea, maybe an outdoor scene? ummm)

  • September 23, 2020

    Victor, Tarzan is an amazing new addition to the BCH line-up. Though, IMO, the hair up call wasn’t a great one. The sumo wrestler look isn’t my favorite. Hope he cums back soon, so he can let that shit fly. ?? (PeniS.- His cock looks a lot like Gary’s.)

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Yeah that was my idea, my bad, I realized later that he looks way better with his hair loose, but besides that, I see you love him 😉

  • September 23, 2020

    Please tell me he’s coming back?! AMAZING

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Yes he is 🙂

  • September 23, 2020

    I think this guy is super hot….however, the hair needs to go..looked like a mess…his face is so handsome…the unkempt hair did not bode well for this…as it does not bode well for most men….the hair in a well groomed short style or cropped close to the head will make him a wonder beyond …must repeat….he is so as fuck….thank you Victor………

    • victor October 12, 2020

      I feel you baby, but that is the way he likes his hair and he was not down to cut it, it was hard to get him to do this scene, so please nor pressure 😉

  • September 24, 2020

    vaya huevos , me pasaria chupando horas sus huevos ( what a balls sack, I woods spend hours licking those balls )

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Viste? Me encantaron también a mi, que grandes y chupables jajajaja ( Right? I love them also, so big and suckables hahahah)

  • September 24, 2020

    When he said, “you’re gonna drain that cock for me?” Wow

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Yeah, that was hot! thanks for comment baby 🙂

  • CanyonLakeJoshy September 25, 2020

    Fuck yes!!!! HOT!…. now he needs to fuck you!!!

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Yes , and he did it! 🙂

  • September 25, 2020

    Hopefully in the video he talks dirty to you. So hot.

    • victor October 12, 2020

      I wish baby but he is a quite one, thanks for comment! 🙂

  • Pelmore September 25, 2020

    And Tarzan needs to bring his ass back also…..

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Yes and he did, I am glad you love him my friend 🙂

  • al September 26, 2020

    next time ask him to let his hair down

    • victor October 12, 2020

      You are right and I did it 😉

  • RAA September 27, 2020

    This guy is gorgeous. Totally my type. Love my long haired long dicked white boys.

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Yes he is hot and his cock was ready for action 🙂

  • monterome September 28, 2020

    Need more rimming scenes with these guys pleaseeee

    • victor October 12, 2020

      ok baby 🙂

  • September 28, 2020

    What a treat to find Tarzan waiting for me. Married, straight guys are a special turn o for me. Especially one who looks and sounds like this Tarzan look alike. He is totally sex personified. From his strong legs to his body hair to those dimples, to the sounds he makes to show his appreciation of your service. Whether he is spread eagle on your couch or has his hands behind his head, the view is beautifully manly. When he asked if you were going to drain his cock, that took him into the world of absolute dominance . Oh man, Tarzan is it for me. I do share with BCH BFF,Danirile80 my hope that you will be returning to responding to our comments. .

    • victor October 12, 2020

      Yeah, they are BCH’s blood and soul! In this case Tarzan is an special edition of them , masculine and genuine. He surprised me as well with that comment lol. My apologies for not been up to date responding the Hunters comments, kind of busy down here lol but I am catching up now my friend, thanks for missing me! 🙂

  • danirile80 October 1, 2020

    “Me Tarzan, and Me horny!” 🙂
    WOW! Another quiet masculine example of Beefcake that you have discovered from the shores of Florida. I love that Tarzan covered his nerves by intently staring at the porn, but he eventually succumbed to your BCH powers.
    Tarzan was at his sexiest when he threw his head back and exhaled with his deep sexy (barely audible) moans .Your whole interaction was another outstanding example of new talent introduced this year. You have been non-stop with the quality beefcake since returning from the quarantine. Tarzan is similar to Martin: a surprisingly sexy model that developed his body working on the high seas. Maybe you need to head down to your local Marina and hand out business cards to all the seaman and longshoreman that you can.
    I hope Tarzan returns. Add him to the list of desired returnees including Kameroon, Christian, Nicolas, and Joe (I see that my wish has already been answered with this week’s new film).
    Like I said before and like my BCH BFF, Frederick, reiterated, we miss your blog communication , so whatever the situation I hope you come back soon to respondng withthe Hunters, Victor.

    • victor October 12, 2020

      I am glad you noticed that, he tried really hard at first lol. His moaning was soft but hot and genuine as can be, right? I am glad that you have been enjoying my “comeback”, you guys deserve the best for been with me during these weird times. It would be a great scene doing a threesome with Martin lol. I am back with responding the comments, please allow me some time to catch up, thanks for missing me too! 😉

  • May 17, 2021

    He was FIRE! The body and the big dick was superb. When he would lick his lips and look into the camera, (he did this several times), it was so sensual. Your camera loved and adored him. Thanks for sharing.

    • victor May 20, 2021

      You are very welcome my friend, I like Tarzan a lot, not sure why he didn’t get many likes. Thanks for comment baby 🙂

  • Ruskals January 18, 2023

    Well.aint he got a sexy relaxed dimena and hes adorable sexy

    • victor January 20, 2023

      I am a big fan of Tarzan myself! That cock is delicious! 🙂

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