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Ever hard Beefcake Blake drills me again

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Ever hard Beefcake Blake drills me again, and this time in more positions!

Beefcake Blake is back at the BCH arena to put his delicious tool to work again. This time he surprised me to watch it hard almost all of the time, even before I put my hands on it. Of course, I was playing his favorite porn actress on the screen, but still, anyways, who cares? Right? as long we can enjoy that perfect white cock!

We started this scene with me getting him to talk about anal sex with chicks, I love how he related his experiences of picking up girls with his sexy accent, conclusion: It is not an easy task getting girls buttholes to fuck, which give us an advantage in that area Hunters! I am always ready for Ever hard Beefcake Blake drills me again, and at any time! Lol.

After a refreshing shower, we got this sexy Maryland dude ready to get serviced, there is nothing that I love more than to suck a super hard cock! And that proved to give him an extra boost that he face-fucked me and even stood up for more control of the situation, we know by now that he is more of the dominant type.

He was so ready to fuck at this point, that he asked me to, but I had other plans in mind before that: I wanted to worship his pecs and armpits, I know some of you guys love that, a couple of final deep-throats and my hole was ready for the drill.

Like I said, Blake is more of a dominant Beefcake but I still wanted to ride him from all angles, and it went well. Then after a few minutes, I got on my fours to receive his pounding. When I tried to be more active with my butt, he reacted like “I got this” and pushed me forward, at that point I just surrendered to his cock… hmm, with a long missionary fuck. Like his previous video, I got him back to sit down and I let him take charge while I feast on his beautiful pink balls, a few seconds later we got a nice load and his body totally exhausted for the marathonic sex session.

Blake is welcomed anytime to BeefCakeHunter Land! I hope you guys enjoy this video Ever hard Beefcake Blake drills me again!

                      Ever hard Beefcake Blake drills me again

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  • vynova14 July 25, 2018

    Blake is the MAN-I hope he will do a three way. Love him so much it hurts in a good way. HUGE FAN of his, his everything. I would RIM him for days. He is so expressive it turns me on even more. Never tired of him. thanks Victor for his return.

    • victor July 29, 2018

      I am so happy that you enjoyed Blake a lot, he seems to be a great candidate for a threesome right? 🙂

  • July 25, 2018

    Seriously… if he ever wants to come to the Uk … all expenses paid money no object … get in touch ?

    • victor July 29, 2018

      Wow , you really are a big fan of Blake, thanks for comment baby 🙂

  • b1p1k1 July 26, 2018

    VIC im speechless i need to cool off?Blake was so HOT ? Vic you were fabulous as always… Im so speechless..Vic i will comment more later this video was one of the best!!! #BlakeIsToHot. “To Be Continued”

    • victor July 29, 2018

      Wow I see you are enjoying BCH with a cocktail my friend, wow , how fancy 😉 Thanks for comment, I always love your enthusiasm!

  • Kimberlykums July 27, 2018

    victor victor victor, what can i say …. you sure know how to give us a great show! keep it up hun 😉

    • victor July 29, 2018

      It is all for you my friends, I am happy when I read this, thank you, thank you, thank you 🙂

  • markleoj July 27, 2018

    He is hot as always

    • victor July 29, 2018

      Right? he is sooooo sexy 😉

  • Sexdreams July 29, 2018

    Wow, Blake es el mejor. Me encanta el control que ejerce sobre tí, cada vez está más relajado y eso se va apreciando en cada nuevo video. Sin duda mucho más dominante que en el video anterior. Me ha gustado mucho cada momento, su acento es muy caliente, la manera en la que dice “Shit”, el es perfecto. Quizás para el próximo video el podría hablarte más sucio, sería algo muy top. Claro, si es que regresa…que espero que si!
    Y que decir de ti Vic, has cuidado mucho todo y te esfuerzas al máximo.
    Un gran abrazo 🙂

    • victor July 29, 2018

      Gracias por tu comentario mi amigo, yo sabia que te haría muy feliz ver a Blake otra vez, tienes razón, quizás para la próxima que sea un poco mas agresivo con sus palabras , verdad? 🙂

  • danirile80 July 29, 2018

    Blake is hardest working model in BCH Land. He is always so intense when he is drilling you, Victor. Nevertheless, I really like that he was hard when he took off his pants in the shower. I wish that you had finished him off, but the climax was still very intense. Blake is becoming a solid dependable BCH resident, that I am always glad to see. Now if we can get Fred, Marcus, or some new BBC Flavor to come through BCH Land then I would be a happy camper 🙂

    • victor July 29, 2018

      OMG! You saw that? he was soooo ready, and I was ,melting for that cock! wow! Yeah, I wished the same but maybe next time I am able to take his jazz with my lips like our first video. Now, I have good news and bad news about Fred, which one you want to hear first? lol

  • July 30, 2018

    Blake is one of those guys whose dick gets hard fast and stays hard. He knows how to use it too. You know how to use it also, Vic. He genuinely loves getting serviced and fucking you. It is evident in his face and vocalizations. Great job of getting him to fuck you in so many positions. The missionary is my favorite and he even changed that up a bit. All in all, a great session. My comments would not be complete of course without mentioning my disappointment with his shaved pubes. So much else going for him though.

    • victor July 30, 2018

      I totally agree with you my friend in everything about Blake, including the shave pubes, believe me , I told him a thousand times not to shave, but well, if there is more vids with this sexy young guy, he will have to please with some pubic hair, right? lol, I am so glad you like this session my friend 😉

  • danirile80 July 31, 2018

    Give me the good news on Fred, first. The bad news is that we won’t see him again after his next video 🙁 Man, I hope that we can a least get Blake back for more adventures. Or maybe even see Christian, Kevin or of the other white boys that rock BCH Land 🙂

    • victor August 5, 2018

      Hahahahah, good news is that I shoot a fuck scene with Fred already, the bad news is that he cum wayyyyyyy too sooooon!!!!! and I am working in getting him back to ad some more footage , please wish me luck, otherwise we will have a quick fuck scene soon showing, is that is the case I hope you dont mind guys 😉 Regarding Kevin, it seems that we will have to wait until he is available again, I still talking with my friend Christian 🙂

  • Shayboo48 August 3, 2018

    Blake is one sure hottie. He’s got spark. More please. Love the tats also.

    • victor August 5, 2018

      I am glad you like him, hopefully we can have him back soon 😉

  • danirile80 October 2, 2018

    I’m going to ask about a random Beefcake ever so often (OK, selfishly because I want to see them…). Has Blake left BCH Land? His energy and perma-boner need to return for another session.

    • victor October 2, 2018

      We have been in touch of couple of times, he may be back soon, play stay tuned my friend 🙂

  • Sexdreams October 21, 2018

    Que vuelva!! (he should return!)

    • victor October 22, 2018

      He tratado pero tiene el móvil desconectado 😉 ( I have tried, but his phone is disconected)

  • b1p1k1 November 12, 2018

    I just keep coming back to watch Blake he is so hot and a gentleman. Asking you “does it feel good.”

    • victor November 13, 2018

      Yes he is very sexy and I love that in him as well, I hope he calls me soon so we can make another vid 🙂

  • December 28, 2018

    Yes threesome with Blake we need to see more Blake he just always hard I love it

    • victor January 5, 2019

      I was trying to get Blake and Antonio to do a threesome , both are tattooed to the neck! I like always to find something in common 🙂

  • March 22, 2019

    Bien el pprs para hacerlo más excitante ….? ( well for the pprs to make it more exciting )

    • victor March 26, 2019

      Si estuvo bien rico, y como le gusto eso a Blake, gracias por comentar my amigo ( Yes, it was delicious, and how Blake enjoyed that, thanks for comment my friend )

  • Sexdreams April 18, 2019

    Va a regresar Blake Vic? ( Is Blake going to be back, Vic?)

    • victor April 20, 2019

      El quería hace mas videos, pero se consiguió una novia y creo que esta muy enamorado, por eso no ha respondido a mis llamadas, lo vamos a extrañar, pero el sabe que estaremos aquí esperándolo cuando quiera regresar (He wanted to make more videos, but he got a girlfriend and I think he’s very much in love, that’s why he has not answered my calls, we’re going to miss him, but he knows we’ll be here waiting for him when he wants to return )

  • egarza1509 April 28, 2019

    This guy is super sexy

    • victor April 29, 2019

      I know right? ?

  • b1p1k1 September 4, 2019

    How is Blake…God he is so fuk’n handsome ? I always come back to this video…..Vic tell him I said hi.. he’s probably married by now????

    • victor September 9, 2019

      You are right… last time I knew from him, he was engaged or something, good for him! But I miss him a lot 🙂

  • November 13, 2019

    Que tesão quando você lambe axilas (So hot when you lick armpits)

    • victor November 16, 2019

      No começo eu fiz, porque os Caçadores me perguntaram, agora eu já estou gostando kkkkk (At the beginning I did it, because the Hunters asked me, now I am already liking hahahahaha )

  • August 20, 2020

    Does this man have an onlyfans??? He’s my favorite on this site!!! I can watch him over and over

    • victor August 23, 2020

      He is one of my favorites as well, I wish we can have him back at BCH land this year , thanks for comment my friend 🙂

  • al September 13, 2020

    do you have a hope of having Blake return? He’s so sexy.

    • victor September 18, 2020

      We were let in touch early this year but I haven’t hear from him since 🙂

  • October 5, 2020

    Omg, I can’t believe that he did poppers with you?! Go Blake!!!

    • victor October 12, 2020

      lol yeah me too! it was an organic situation I guess. Thanks for comment baby 🙂

  • danirile80 December 8, 2021

    Oomph, Victor! I saw that you highlighted Blake on your twitter feed. Blake’s 3 videos are all classics. He was the Maryland version of Sandro. He tried to drill THROUGH you when he tapped your backside, LOL! He is missed…

    • victor December 12, 2021

      I am definitely missing Blake, his cock is beautiful and it was always hard! 🙂

  • nypr33020 May 11, 2024

    Bring Blake back Victor.

    • victor May 14, 2024

      I would love that but he moved out of town and I never heard from him again. I miss his energy 🙂

  • brunovip2005gmailcom January 29, 2025

    Nice cock, hot ass GREAT VIDEO 💦💦

    • victor January 29, 2025

      I am glad you loved this video. Thank you! 🙂

  • brunovip2005gmailcom January 29, 2025

    Missionary is the BEST!
    And all your videos are great, the mirror gives it an extra touch 👅💦

    • victor January 29, 2025

      I am happy that you are enjoying all the scenes my friend. Thanks for commenting 🙂

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