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Edging sexy handyman Jayden

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A few nights ago, I finally found myself Edging sexy handyman Jayden, and I say finally because I have for years, I have been in talks with him about blowing him for the BCH lens, and well, he agreed at last, no, without asking me the see some of my β€œwork” first πŸ˜‰

Beefcake Jayden is in his mid-thirties, but he looks way younger. When he took the sweater off, I was amazed by how sexy his body was, his body was oiled, and I enjoyed caressing it before putting my mouth to work on his delicious cock, which was halfway hard when I reached it underneath his underwear.

Even though Jayden appeared to be distracted and even detached from what was going on that moment at BeefCakeHunter Land, and that is probably because he saw my β€œwork” beforehand, that is why I rarely agree to that, his cock tells us a different story, that perfect shape tool was fully erected all the time, ready to be feasted on.

While Edging sexy handyman Jayden, he surprisingly gave me a few instructions now and then, and I came to realize that he was trying to distract himself to avoid cumming too soon; that was very kind of him! So, we made a slight pause.

When we resumed, I started slow again, but he got hard quickly, and having that perfect cock in front of me, I couldn’t hold myself to enjoy it very well, and again I got him close to coming, but this time, I wanted him to. Especially hearing him becoming more verbal and engaged in my servicing, I was so ready for his load!

Those final moments were tremendous; Jayden delivered a big nut for just a day and a half of saving it. I hope you guys enjoy Edging, sexy handyman Jayden. He didn’t promise anything, but I am so looking forward to having him inside me next time πŸ˜‰

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  • Dupree2023 November 15, 2023

    Damn he’s sexy! That body is amazing

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Right? What a hot surprise! Thanks for commenting my friend πŸ™‚

  • November 15, 2023


    • victor November 20, 2023

      That is the word baby πŸ™‚

  • Jrsubscriptions1 November 15, 2023

    So sexy! We need more Black and uncut men! Love it!

    • victor November 20, 2023

      I know right? Working always on that my friend πŸ™‚

  • hokettga November 15, 2023

    damn, damn damn!!! Loooove his demeanor and the way you made him moan and squirm at the end, almost begging you to cum. So hot!!!! Another Victor exclusive πŸ˜‰

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Yeah, and that cum shot was amazing too. I am so happy that you enjoyed this so much my friend, thanks for commenting πŸ™‚

  • emancipationofmimi November 15, 2023

    Dayum! The body on this beefcake. Hot guy with sexy hair. Love the black men on here. Wish he were more verbal.

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Yes, what a sexy man, I love his hair too. I know, he was a little shy, but I am sure next time he will be more himself. Thanks for commenting baby πŸ™‚

  • November 15, 2023

    Fuxk he’s HOT!!! He looks like a hotter more mature J. COLE

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Right? lol I am glad you like him my friend, please wish me luck in getting him back πŸ™‚

  • November 15, 2023

    What a beautiful man! With a gorgeous meatstick!! Blown to perfection!!!

    • victor November 20, 2023

      You are right, and his dick is perfect, and hard all the time! Thanks for commenting baby πŸ™‚

  • November 15, 2023

    Jayden’s smile is gorgeous, and his hair is super hot too! Don’t even get me started on his body and cock! 😁 I’ll be counting the seconds for his anal scene! I love how Ramon has been a shoo-in for Beefcake of the Year since March, and then Patrick comes along in September to give him some competition, making it a 2-way race. Now it’s November, the finish line is in sight, then suddenly all these daddies appear out of nowhere, threatening to pull ahead and snatch the crown! πŸ˜‚ Things are really heating up!

    • victor November 20, 2023

      It was about time we have a sexy young BBC like Jayden, I love everything about him, and I am glad you do too baby. I know, the line up for the nominees is getting crowded, but remember they have to be in at least two videos before the end of the year, so hopefully Beefcake Jayden comes back. Thanks for commenting my friend πŸ™‚

  • Thenis74 November 15, 2023


    • victor November 20, 2023

      That is the right word baby! I am so happy that you like him πŸ™‚

  • Amore73 November 16, 2023

    Damn so sexy and juicy uncut man , delicioso

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Yes, indeed. I was in BCH Heaven while servicing him for sure. Thanks for commenting my friend πŸ™‚

  • November 16, 2023

    The dicks, the men, the variety, the moans, the deep-thoats, the Sunday Fundays, the respectability, the dependability AND THE VALUE are just some of the reasons I am proud to a Hunter!
    And Vic, don’t think that I don’t realize that something has been missing in the last several scenes… The obnoxious screaming of straight porn have not been as audible and it makes the scene, more authentic.

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Hey baby thanks and many thanks for your support and for sharing it to the world, it means a lot to me. THANK YOU πŸ™‚

  • guysguy00 November 16, 2023

    So damn sexy. I especially loved it when you first pulled out his cock then gave it a sniff and licked the tip!

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Yeap! I LOVE to do that, especially when I know how they are going to react, like in this case with Beefcake Jayden πŸ˜‰

  • guruguy November 16, 2023

    Hot Hot Hot ……. Thank you Vic !!

    • victor November 20, 2023

      You are very welcome baby πŸ™‚

  • MAB45 November 16, 2023

    Vic your line-up for our pleasure has been πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯…he’s hot asf! πŸ₯΅
    Hopefully, he’ll come back for more!

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Thanks baby, I am happy to know that. Yes, I am looking forward for more of Beefcake Jayden, please wish me luck baby πŸ™‚

  • November 17, 2023

    Victor. You are like an unopened bottle of fine wine. You just keep getting better. Jayden is top tier hot. I LOVE watching the evolution of his comfort levels. Hunters, I suggest headphones on 100% as to not miss the soft moans an quiet conversation. This is a gem

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Thanks baby for the compliment! You are right, Jayden is top tier for sure! Thanks for the suggestion for the Hunters, yeah, the moaning was there…very soft, but it was there πŸ˜‰

  • November 17, 2023

    wow he was hot! his body was so sexy and love the shine on his body from the lotion. His dick was perfect and you could tell he loved what you were doing. I hope he returns and maybe he can go even further with you

    • victor November 20, 2023

      You are right, the lotion was a hot touch on his part. I am happy that yo guys noticed his level of enjoyment. Please wish me luck in getting him back my friend πŸ™‚

  • Essbeeisme November 17, 2023

    Here. For. This.

    • victor November 20, 2023

      And you are very welcome baby πŸ˜‰

  • Ralphcan November 19, 2023

    Espero q este man vuelva ( I hope this guy returns)

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Yo espero lo mismo. Deseame suerte y gracias por comentar πŸ™‚ ( I hope the same. Please wish me luck and thanks for commenting πŸ™‚ )

  • November 19, 2023

    OMG, Vic, You are spoiling us Hunters . The last 3 weeks have been amazing proof of that. One after the other mature beefcakes. Jayden is the newest installment. He is quite soft spoken which makes it difficult to understand what he is saying while being blown.I am glad he finally agreed to visit you.and thank you for being so patient. I am happy with Jayden’s natural body hair. Pubes and pits are always good for me. Sometimes his hair got in the way of seeing his face as much as I wanted, but his cock was the star of this show anyway. BTW Vic, I enjoyed seeing a peek at your ass crack while you were kneeling in front of him A bonus. ! ALSO a note to all HUNTERS if you are not watching the Sunday Funday feature, you are missing some great footage. Watch it. You will be glad you did.

    • victor November 20, 2023

      Happy to read this baby! It gives me a great level of satisfaction to bring as much as variety possible to the BCH table, and knowing that is exactly what you guys like, makes my day! Yeah, I have been in touch with him for a very long time, I think since he was in his twenties lol. Let me tell you that, he looks great also with a short hair. I am glad you dont mind my seing my ass crack lol, at first it was accidental, now, kind I do it in purpose lol. Thanks for promoting the Sunday Funday update, I think many Hunters are missing it. I noticed the “like” and “comment” feature in them was off, but now my Tech team is working in fixing it. Thanks again for your comment my friend, and please wish me luck in getting Beefcake Jayden back and not waiting another five years lol

  • danirile80 November 21, 2023

    Victor, you are expanding your services at BCH Zaddy Plumbing to be full-service home repair, already? What is it with the home repair experts in Florida being so hot? LOL!
    As usual, I agree with my BCH BFF, you have definitely spoiled us this year with the continued line of new and hot Beefcakes. I am glad that you were patient with Jayden. He was your typical nervous new beefcake, but his big dick springing from his pants says it all! He reminded me of Beefcake Leo in his soft-spoken nature It tickled me when Jayden would divert his eyes away from what you were doing, but he was definitely perfectly edged.

    It ended in a pretty impressive cumshot with all the moaning, couch squirming, and eye-rolling. I don’t know if Jayden will return to BCH Land, but this was an impressive debut, nonetheless.

    Still not a step wrong in 2023, Victor!

    • victor November 22, 2023

      Yes, my friend, we are expanding, and I am hiring more workers (Beefcakes). Having Jayden at BCH land was years in the making, but it was worth it. He is shy in front of the cameras but more outgoing without them. I love everything about him and look forward to having him back! I am happy that you guys love my work every week this year. Are you ready for Thanksgiving Dinner? I am! Thanks for commenting, my friend πŸ™‚

  • MarqueLeJer November 24, 2023


    • victor November 25, 2023

      That is the right word baby πŸ˜‰

  • NOIDTS November 27, 2023

    With Jayden’s scene Christmas came early and I nearly did too! Just loved this scene and everything about the man. Outta breath baby. How you find all my future ex husband’s before I do is beyond me. You just have a gift or two or three or… killed it again Vic!!!

    • victor November 30, 2023

      Hahaha I know, I stole another one of your future ex-husbands lol Thanks for commenting baby πŸ™‚

  • 47noche December 25, 2023

    he is great. one of the best, with a great dick, and great body and face

    • victor December 26, 2023

      You are right, he is so sexy, and with short hair he looks even hotter! Thanks for commenting baby πŸ™‚

  • joeidot56 May 3, 2024

    I love how you kiss the beautiful package.

    • victor May 5, 2024

      Yes, they deserve that kiss πŸ˜‰

  • jcams298001 August 2, 2024

    He wanted you to eat that ass πŸ™‚

    • victor August 5, 2024

      I think so too lol Thanks for commenting my friend πŸ™‚

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