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To our most valuable members, we would like to thank you so much for your support during these challenging times and we want you to know that we couldn't do it without you!

During this period of time our entire staff are working hard to continue in providing you with weekly entertainment. We always believe in being straight forward and honest with our members and so we wanted to share with you some temporary updates to our content delivery procedures and what to expect.

We take our health very seriously and are doing everything we can to get through these challenging times safely. At some point we may include some videos based on old footage and/or creative content that has never been seen before. This is only temporarily and we are hoping you will find it as entertaining as always while we can get through this together.

Last, we at BCH again want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, it is greatly appreciated!


Blowing tall handsome Beefcake Josue

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Blowing tall handsome Beefcake Josue is an accomplishment that took a lot of persuasion. He is kind of shy and serious. On the day of the shooting you can tell how nervous and uneasy he was, but by making use of some BCH lines I was able to get some smiles from him πŸ™‚

Beefcake Josue is a sexy Latino with a nice chest, big arms, and muscular hairy legs between other attributes that we highly appreciate here at BeefCakeHunter Land like a hairy crotch… hmm. I know some of Hunters would stop reading at this point and jump to the video or pics πŸ˜‰

Just packing a day and a half load in his balls, along with his nervousness and the fact that this was the first time he has been sucked by another guy; Beefcake Josue posed a challenge for me, so I started with a slow and long licking to his pretty balls. Then, I slowly began sucking his cock. I could hear his hard breathing, so I knew he was enjoying the warm mouth working his tool, but his anxiousness was still working against getting him completely in the β€œzone”. He asked me to use my hands as well, and that made the trick for a successful Blowing tall handsome Beefcake Josue!

Once I got that cock rocking, we can see how beautiful it is, slightly curved down with a very suckable head. I enjoyed it when I noticed him taking glances at my service, that being one of the best parts of this video, along with his often soft moaning, and for those Hunters who love when the Beefcakes roll their heads back, Josue is your guy!

By the middle of the session I stopped using my hands, you know I prefer to just put my mouth to work, but a few minutes later he asked me to use my hands again. It seems that like many other straight guys he loves the combination of head/stroke play. I knew I was getting him close, so the last minutes I jerked him off and I made him cum straight onto my mouth, tasting his sweet cum without hiding it πŸ˜‰

I hope you guys are safe and staying home enjoying this Blowing tall handsome Beefcake Josue. We are going through this together and we will overcome. A few days ago, I posted in our social media platforms something related to what is going on, I hope you have read it. Love you my friends!

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Blowing tall handsome Beefcake Josue

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  • develand April 1, 2020

    Now that’s what I’m talking about, hope he’s back w/socks off!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Right? the best description of a Beefcake lol πŸ˜‰

  • diegopopo1 April 1, 2020

    Que homem maravilhoso, nΓ£o vi um sΓ³ defeito. Ja Γ© meu preferido. Quero mais vΓ­deos com ele. (What a wonderful man, I didn’t see a single defect. It is already my favorite. I want more videos with him.)

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Estou tΓ£o feliz que vocΓͺ o ame tanto, ele Γ© realmente incrΓ­vel, por favor, sintonize, pode haver mais dele πŸ˜‰ (I am so happy that you love him this much, he is really awesome, please stat tuned, there may be more of him πŸ˜‰ )

  • akbro77 April 1, 2020

    more of this guy!!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Your desires are my command baby πŸ˜‰

  • collegeboi594 April 1, 2020

    Hopefully he comes back to fuck you. I would love to see him pumping your ass with that thick dick!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      OMG that would be a dream come true! wish me luck baby πŸ™‚

  • April 1, 2020

    G O R G E O U S

    • victor April 11, 2020

      That is the right word to describe Josue πŸ˜‰

  • Mgc5001 April 1, 2020

    That was so hot thank you for this vid.

    • victor April 11, 2020

      You are very welcome my friend, thanks for comment and please be safe πŸ™‚

  • Honeysuckle April 1, 2020

    Nice! I love it when the guys look like actual beefcake! And Josue fits the bill! Excellent oral cumshot, too!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Yeah he is THE Beefcake right? πŸ˜‰

  • Endgameinfinitystone April 1, 2020

    He’s like a combination of Jason and Peter ? thanks Vic for finding another hotty! I hope he becomes a BCH mainstay ??

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Right? I was the thinking the same lol Thanks for comment my friend and please stay safe πŸ™‚

  • April 1, 2020

    More of him please!!!!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Ok baby, your desires are my command πŸ˜‰

  • Cricket71h April 1, 2020

    Vic he’s so hot. I waited the video for those socks to go off !! :- ( Didn’t happen !!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Next time baby, I am glad that you still enjoy this video πŸ™‚

  • Glaze55 April 1, 2020

    This is it! Perfect! Sucking the juices from a God. How did he smell?

    • victor April 11, 2020

      ohhh he smells delicious! Thanks for comment my friend πŸ™‚

  • michstate April 1, 2020

    Victor, another amazing video of you orally servicing a well deserving handsome man. I also appreciate the many times you acknowledge me and my fellow foot hunters who really love it when the socks comes off and they show off there barefeet. So hopefully, when Josue returns, you have the opportunity to remove his socks for him and he can be freely barefoot (naked from head to toe). And a special thanks to develand and Chricket71h for also sharing your desire for Josue to take off his and expose his feet. Thanks again for all you do, Victor! Your commitment to pleasure is inspiring!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      You are very welcome my friend, and please rest assure that I keep in mind what the Hunters like but I recognize that I also make mistakes by keeping forgetting now and then, but you will definitely will see more feet in the future even tho I can’t help when I see a man naked just wearing black socks!! lol I lOVE that, but again is not about me , it is about you Hunters! Thanks for your support, please stay safe πŸ™‚

  • neoplan1915 April 2, 2020

    lots of cum for a first timer!! very handsome man

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Right? Better than expected and yeah , Josue is very handsome πŸ™‚

  • ThroatMyMeat April 2, 2020

    Hope this one returns

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Yeah he will baby πŸ™‚

  • April 2, 2020

    Omg very hot ? I like seemed very nervous but he got into by the end hope he comes back keep bring us these sexy guys…

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Yeah he was, poor thing, I did try everything to relax him, he is a sweet guy, thanks for comment baby πŸ™‚

  • Adal April 2, 2020

    Hermosooooooo! Me enamorΓ©! Es una belleza de hombre! Te sΓΊper admiro VΓ­ctor!, eres un mΓ‘ster! Solo para completar la informaciΓ³n de Josue, de que nacionalidad es? (Cuba, Puerto Rico o Rep. Dominicana) ( Beautiful! I fell in love! He is a beauty of man! I admire you a lot Victor!, you are a master! Just to know more about Josue, what nationality is he? Cuban, Puerto Rican or Dominican )

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Gracias mi amigo, tenemos buenos gustos verdad? πŸ˜‰ Josue es Americano pero creo que es de ascendencia cubana. Gracias por comentar y espero que estes bien . ( Thanks my friend, we have good taste, right? πŸ˜‰ Josue is American but I think he is the Cuban ascendant . Thanks for comment and please stay safe )

  • April 2, 2020

    Would love to see him pound you

    • victor April 11, 2020

      OMG! Me too baby, me too! πŸ˜‰

  • Fakefritz April 2, 2020


    • victor April 11, 2020

      Yes he is gorgeous πŸ™‚

  • Aayush April 2, 2020

    Perfect treat in quarantine

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Right? it helps πŸ˜‰

  • looking621 April 2, 2020

    What a beautiful man! I hope he comes back to thrust that fat cock in your ass!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      I hope so the same my friend πŸ™‚

  • April 2, 2020

    Please thank Josue from all of us. Handsome, Beautiful, Perfection! Please bring him back. And thank you for swallowing his cum Victor! I live through you! πŸ™‚

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Ok I will tell him, I really enjoyed swallow him, I see that you too ! Thanks baby and please be safe πŸ™‚

  • accord55 April 2, 2020

    that was hot victor you work hard for that load great job yes bring him back

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Yes I did, he was kind of nervous πŸ™‚

  • matthew30a April 2, 2020

    Extra HOT!!! you need to get him back!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Yes he is HOT! I know we need him back πŸ™‚

  • markleoj April 2, 2020

    hot hot hot! it reminds me of Peter! I hope he is coming back

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Right? they are similar , please stay tuned, thanks for comment baby πŸ™‚

  • April 2, 2020

    Me dejaste loco…..con esta quarentena… cojo con ese macho….ahy, ahy, any…..te envidio loca….. BRAVO!!!! ( This drove me crazy…in this quarantine if I find this macho…uffff bravo! )

    • victor April 11, 2020

      jajajaja me ha hecho reΓ­r! gracias por tu comentario, que bueno que estes disfrutando de Josue en esta cuarentena , cuΓ­date mi amigo , besos ! πŸ˜‰ ( Hahahah you made me laugh! Thanks for your comment , great that you are enjoying Josue in this quarantine, please be safe my friend , kisses! ;))

  • Cricket71h April 2, 2020

    Vic, he’s so hot! I waited the whole video for those socks to come off πŸ™ It never happened !!! πŸ™ I really hope he comes back with no socks on !

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Ok baby I heard you, please stay tuned πŸ™‚

  • Landojim April 2, 2020

    Victor, Victor, Victor!!! HOT, HOT, HOT!!! Did you see him take a long stare at the camera at 20:58. He finally relaxed into your control Vic -you made his cock hard and your devotion/acknowledgment to his straight man beautiful big dick gave him a new confidence – he stared into the eye of the camera, the eyes of us viewers and said without words…you know you want this big dick. I think you created a monster stud Vic. He’s gonna fuck with a whole new confidence – lucky girls!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Yeah I saw that glance he gave to the camera, I don’t think he really knew how hot he is but for sure I made it very clear for him! Thanks for comment baby πŸ™‚

  • April 3, 2020

    Josue es el sucesor del macho Christian , seria la polla que te la meta ( Josue is Christian’s successor, now we need that cock inside you )

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Me encantaria esa polla adentro, deseame suerte mi amigo, besos ( I would love that cock inside me, please wish me luck my friend, kisses )

  • looking621 April 4, 2020

    If he comes back ask him to flex his guns while you are sucking him off!

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Ok baby , I will πŸ˜‰

  • April 6, 2020

    What a beautiful man, Victor, perfect, a Greek god. He’s just perfect. Bring him in many times so we can address this wonderful man.

    • victor April 11, 2020

      I know he is beautiful, I hope we can have him back as many times is possible , thanks for comment baby and please be safe πŸ™‚

  • April 8, 2020

    Vic, I know you don’t usually reveal the story of how you meet these guys and get them to show up, but this one would be most interesting. Josue is the absolute Beefcake. Everything about him screams masculine sex. He is handsome beyond words almost. He is tall, has a definitely manly voice, and has perfect body hair including that full bush and hairy legs He was so nervous at the start. His body language with his arms folded across his chest says he was protecting himself from a situation he was not sure of. His nervous laugh also showed that hesitancy. Josue watched you worked his cock more than I thought he would. His meaty cock perfectly fits him. Loved the signs of his pleasure with body response and breathing changes. I bet , as you sucked that cock ,you thought how it would feel sliding into your man pussy. Am I right? The lead up to his cumming was so HOT. Love to watch the way a guy can’t control his body and breath. You know how much I LOVED that brief look at his ass going up the stairs. I want to see more of that. What are the chances?
    Again, I hope all you other Hunters are being safe and enjoying what Vic brings to us to make these days a bit better.

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Yeah he was so nervous at first that I was afraid that he would walk away at any second, but I think that my patience and years of experience pay off very well in this video. Josue is so sexy and hot that I had to hold myself of many things in order to not panic him more, thankfully he was gradually getting into the zone, and you are right I was thinking and I still thinking all the time about that beautiful cock getting in my backyard πŸ˜‰ Thanks for comment my friend, thanks for the word you sharing to our fellow Hunters at this moment, kisses my friend πŸ™‚

  • Akoni April 9, 2020

    Hot! Hot! Hot! Bring him back again soon

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Ok baby πŸ˜‰

  • April 9, 2020


    • victor April 11, 2020

      yeah that is the right word ! πŸ˜‰

  • April 10, 2020

    Josue is the answer to my prayers. The only who can compete with him is Pete, from Ohio. Josue should get paid double…We want him back ASAP…

    • victor April 11, 2020

      Yeah he has some resemble with Peter right? Please stay tuned baby and be safe πŸ™‚

  • April 14, 2020

    I can not get enough of this video. In my book, it is your best one. He deserves an Academy Award. He is all beefcake…the real thing.

    • victor April 17, 2020

      Right? I feel you my friend, he is so gorgeous, I am so glad that you enjoy this scene a lot, please stay tuned for more baby πŸ™‚

  • April 16, 2020

    Fuck bring this daddy back ASAP he will look so goos fucking some ass

    • victor April 17, 2020

      He is coming back baby, working on that πŸ˜‰

  • April 16, 2020

    OH MY GOD…this is one of the HOTTEST guys on your site!!! Bring him back…often!!! I could NEVER get tired of this beautiful man!!

    • victor April 17, 2020

      Yes he is! please stay tuned for more of Josue! Thanks for comment baby πŸ™‚

  • Cubanito2u April 16, 2020

    So delicious!!!! He MUST return to BCH for some great pounding. Que rico

    • victor April 17, 2020

      Right? yeah baby he MUST return! πŸ˜‰

  • flyboiaa April 19, 2020


    • victor April 24, 2020

      Right? I am so glad you love him baby πŸ™‚

  • danirile80 April 22, 2020

    What a nice new addition to BCH Land! Josue: what a big and fantastically muscular specimen of male goodness that you have discovered. He was so nervous; it was endearing how Josue fidgeted, crossed his arms, and his voice cracked as he talked to you. Of course all that nervousness went away once you wrapped your lips around his cock. You need to bring him along slowly so that the hunters can enjoy this burly nervous newbie!

    • victor April 24, 2020

      As you know by now, one of the things I love the most is to make disappear the nervousness of any straight dude with my lips, they are there for that right? I am glad you love him and he may return, please stay tuned πŸ™‚

  • April 25, 2020

    Please bring him back for an fuck scene Please

    • victor April 28, 2020

      He will be back baby, please stay tuned πŸ™‚

  • lerosmartinez88 April 28, 2020

    Pero que nervioso!!! ( He is so nervous!!)

    • victor May 4, 2020

      La verdad que si se puso nervioso, pero creo que lo pude calmar πŸ˜‰ ( That’s true, he was very nervous, but I think I was able to calmed him down πŸ˜‰ )

  • bttm_mx90 April 29, 2020

    Oh Vic, he’s the only reason i decided to renew my membership despite these days dollars are very expensive in my country! Totally was worth it! He’s gorgeous, charming, perfect body, manly voice, hairy… please please you need to do the anal scene. Wouldve liked you made a replay when he was giving his load. Greetings babe, stay strong and behave yourself, we want more Beefcakes for the post covid19 era! XOXO

    • victor May 4, 2020

      Hey baby, thanks for your good wishes! I hope you are healthy as well! I know Josue is the whole package right? Please stay tuned for more of him πŸ˜‰

  • May 6, 2020

    Me encanta mucho Josue. He is so gorgeous, his body and his are amazing. He remind me Peter with his shy and quiet personnality who make him sexier. And Victor, you bj skills are so impressive, this give was in a another dimension when you give him that amazing blowjobs. And at the ends that ass was yummy to watch. I hope next time will you rim that ass and I hope lick his feet and kiss his soles. 10/10 for this scene

    • victor May 7, 2020

      I am very happy that you enjoyed this scene, everything you mentioned about Josue is true! Good news are that we will see more of him soon, please stay tuned baby πŸ™‚

  • May 7, 2020

    Pleaseee let us know when he is coming back!! ?? he is my fav and I’m looking forward to seeing him again!!!

    • victor May 13, 2020

      yes baby, he is coming back and soon πŸ˜‰

  • ericomar May 17, 2020

    OMG!!!!! QUE HOMBRE HERMOSO Y UN PENE PERFECTO que vuelva? ( what a beautiful man and what a perfect penis, he must return )

    • victor May 25, 2020

      Tienes toda la razΓ³n mi amigo, y te tengo buenas noticias πŸ˜‰ ( You are right my friend, And I have good news for you πŸ˜‰ )

  • Chesteravenue93 May 21, 2020

    Josue is the DEFINITION of BEEFCAKE. He is sooo beautiful, I can’t stand it. His legs are incredible.

    • victor May 25, 2020

      OMG those legs!!!! please stay tuned πŸ˜‰

  • May 22, 2020

    He gozado de este video mas veces que todos los otros juntos. Josue es un sueΓ±o de macho. No tiene competencia… (I have enjoyed this video more times than all the others together. Josue is the dream “macho”. He has no competition …)

    • victor May 25, 2020

      Me allegro de saber esto mi amigo, no tienes idea, cuantas pausas tuve que hacer mientras editaba este video jajajaja, gracias por comentar πŸ™‚ (I’m glad to know this my friend, you have no idea, how many breaks I had to take while editing this video hahahaha, thanks for commenting :))

  • May 22, 2020

    How do you get this boys? Just curious. Love it

    • victor May 25, 2020

      Hard work baby, I am glad you enjoy this πŸ™‚

  • May 27, 2020

    You’ve had some pretty hot guys on your site, but this guy has to be my favorite!! OMG!! He’s perfect! If I wasn’t already a member of your site, I’d become a member just to see him! PLEASE bring him back…ASAP!!

    • victor June 2, 2020

      I hear you baby. well he is back now but for another oral, I am sorry I couldn’t get him to fuck me, I hope you still enjoying his last video πŸ™‚

  • May 27, 2020

    Josue and Peter, what a duo those two would make. Josue is sitting on a million dollars. He could make a fortune by just allowing men and women suck him off…Can nor wait for his next video…I pray it comes soon…

    • victor June 1, 2020

      Please wish me luck in getting him back my friend, you are right, he is awesome πŸ™‚

  • June 6, 2020

    I would love to fool around with Victor. His mouth is incredible ?

    • victor June 11, 2020

      Thanks baby, thanks for the compliment πŸ˜‰

  • June 7, 2020

    Victor this is your best performance on record. It is enhanced by Josue’s combination of shyness and curiosity. He looks fascinated to what is happening to his member. I hate to admit it, but I envy you, when it comes to this encounter. If I were you, I would have him come-by and feed you, at least once a month…Breathless at this end…

    • victor June 11, 2020

      Yes he is such great combination of that, and you are right, I would love to have him visit me lol Thanks for comment my friend πŸ™‚

  • September 22, 2020

    QuΓ© hombre mΓ‘s bello! Vic sos mi Γ­dolo!

  • September 22, 2020

    Josue is King. A true 11 out of a scale of 10. Please, bring him back, I beg…

  • November 23, 2020

    I would gladly pay double your monthly membership fee if I could see lots more natural bush/body hair like this. A major turn on!

    • victor November 27, 2020

      I know right, I love that too but sometimes the Beefcakes show up last minute πŸ˜‰

  • dtangle January 13, 2021

    his nervousness was kinda hot

    • victor January 14, 2021

      I think that was his main appeal right? πŸ™‚

  • February 2, 2021

    Uh, Josue is fine as heck! Is he still around? Based on name search, he only has two videos.

  • bautensesoy March 4, 2021

    Even though a year has passed, Josue remains your superstar. He is the main reason why I rejoined your site. We need him back…

    • victor March 5, 2021

      Wow time flew by, it is a year since we had the pleasure of having Josue at BCH, you are right, we need him back..but he is playing the hard cookie to get, lets find more Josues πŸ˜‰

  • 5starhead April 16, 2021

    I would do anything to have this guy. I love Josue so much.

    • victor April 22, 2021

      I know me too. We miss him a lot around here πŸ™‚

  • bautensesoy May 9, 2021

    I have watched this film many times and never get tired of it. Josue is all that I desire under my Christmas tree. He is totally scrumptious. May he return someday, soon.

    • victor May 20, 2021

      OH GOSH! Josue! what a sexy man! I still waiting, I always will for his return, wish me luck baby πŸ™‚

  • bautensesoy June 16, 2021

    Josue deserves for you to make him an offer that he can not refuse. What about having 3 guys taking turns at sucking and rimming him. I think that being devoured by 3 cum thirsty mouth, might do the trick…

    • victor June 21, 2021

      Lol you think so? I really wish he is back at BCH but it has not been possible, I miss him too! Thanks for comment my friend πŸ™‚

  • August 7, 2021

    this is what it would look like if Henry Cavill was getting sucked out of his mind…unfortunately for him Vic..i am thinking he never had one this good.. he should have…but i don’t think so..

    • victor August 10, 2021

      Hahahah I am afraid that you are sooooo right! πŸ˜‰

  • bautensesoy August 19, 2021

    I am totally addicted to this video. Josue is the type of stud who could make a fortune by just getting sucked. I keep wishing that someday he will knock at your door again. Trust me, that is the greatest incentive to keeping renewing my membership…

    • victor August 22, 2021

      I am the same here my friend, wishing for his return.But same as with Gabriel, I never lost hope with Josue πŸ˜‰

  • Jpwillis January 1, 2022

    PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! Bring him back

    • victor January 4, 2022

      I know I know πŸ™‚

  • May 2, 2022

    Hottest guy I have ever seen wtf

    • victor May 3, 2022

      Yeah, he is one of the sexiest around BCH. Thanks for sharing your thoughts baby πŸ™‚

  • May 2, 2022


    • victor May 3, 2022

      Yes he is πŸ™‚

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