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Blowing a seriously beautiful straight BBC

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Blowing a seriously beautiful straight BBC, Beefcake Steven reminds me of Chico or Michael S, a little shy and nervous about wondering in BeefCake Hunter’s Land, I was already nervous when I saw him for the first time at the hotel room- so handsome, so tall, so virile but perceiving that he was a little nervous too didn‘t help me at all… Besides that, I found it difficult controlling my strong inner desire to jump between his legs and service that massive cock that I saw in the picture he sent me. On top of that, the pussy porn movie that I promised him, didn’t work, so no external help to get this hunk in the mood… Fortunately things started well…
I noticed that, after massaging his cock a little while he got into the zone, when I pulled down his pants that cock was hard already. I didn’t spend much time on his balls, I knew I had to move quickly to his cock, everything was going well until something happened and I started losing him… I took a minute break to recharge my mouths power and I was back with the technique that helped me other times: my mouth open to the fullest and started slowly on the cock’s tip and then went faster … hmm yeah, it did work!

                    Blowing a seriously beautiful straight BBC

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  • July 5, 2015

    sexy..4 sure..get more like him ..s
    looks seriusly straight..get more black models !!!!

    • victor July 6, 2015

      always on the look out for BBC 😉

  • August 2, 2015

    really good!
    would be nice to see the guys fucking your mounth too..and not they only sit down… please

    • victor August 2, 2015

      you are right, you will see more of that soon, thanks for comment 🙂

  • November 23, 2015

    Get more bbc I love them

  • disquette3 January 10, 2016

    love accidental cum !

    • victor January 12, 2016

      yeah that was a very very accidental , I wished it was a longer session, Steven is so hot 🙂

  • April 1, 2016

    He is a beautiful black man with nice equipment, but he needs to get in the mood just a tad don’t you think. He never showed any type of expression until the very end. I totally understand to each his own but….? I would have felt uncomfortable because of his non reciprocation. Just saying….

  • April 8, 2016

    You only have one video of him….?

    • victor April 10, 2016

      yeah, I couldn’t get in contact with him again, I would love to! 🙂

  • April 20, 2016

    Can you get him back again Vic he was sooooo cool……

    • victor April 20, 2016

      Ok I will try one more time 🙂

  • June 29, 2016

    I did not like him! You put in some hella work. Even a 100% str8 man would have shown some fulfillment. He was extremely boring!!! Now JAKE???? FIND HIM!!!

    • victor June 30, 2016

      LOL I know, I get the same feedback over and over about him! You are right but he still been very hot, sexy and with a beautiful cock! and he cum so easily and good that even he tried to not demonstrate , his cock spoke for itself lol 🙂

  • October 6, 2016

    Vic we more black hung dudes like him please!

    • victor October 7, 2016

      working on that baby 🙂

  • April 6, 2017

    Hands down, one of the sexiest men on here!!! Bring back steven lol

    • victor April 6, 2017

      Thanks for the appreciation to Steven, I think sometimes he has been underestimated because he was too serious, but we can deny that he has an amazing body, handsome face and a mouth watering cock , right? 😉

  • May 8, 2017

    Wow thanks need another scene

    • victor May 15, 2017

      I WOULD love more scenes with this hottie! But it was a one time thing for him I guess, at least we have this right? 😉

  • kenzo9980 November 11, 2017

    give that guy a beer. hot body, hot hot cock nice cum but not sexy with that deer in headlights look. LOL

    • victor November 13, 2017

      I know, Steven is such a hot guy but he was too nervous I guess, but it is strange that even tho he was extremely nervous, he was able to give us a very HARD cock, usually guys that are anxious dont get good erections or at least it take them time, yeah.. next time I will give him a beer lol, I wish there is a NEXT TIME! thanks for comment baby 🙂

  • January 15, 2018

    You need to get him back!!! This guy by far is in my top 5 of your videos

    • victor January 16, 2018

      I totally agree with you my friend, unfortunately he was not willing to go further or make another video, he is a beautiful black man, LOVED him too!

  • lon0430 April 16, 2018

    bring him back

    • victor April 16, 2018

      I wish my friend, this was long time ago, I did try back then but as you can see , he was very serious and this was just like one time thing only for him 🙂

  • Shayboo48 August 8, 2018

    It’s worth being a member of BCH just to see this guy’s cock. Surely it’s a gold medal here ! The size AND the thickness are amazing.
    Pity that he was so detached but definitely my favorite so far.

    • victor August 15, 2018

      One of my favorites cock at site as well, nobody knows this until now, but it wasn’t playing any pussy porn because hotel TV was broken, and I have assured him that he will be watching some pussy while I was blowing him, I just rely on my oral skills to get that cock hard, and it worked, maybe he was uncomfortable by the fact he got hard with out a porn, some men should understand that a good bj is a good bj 🙂

  • Landojim March 11, 2020

    Vic, you worked hard on this video to make it hot!

    • victor March 20, 2020

      Yes I did, poor thing, he was so nervous and on top of that, the video player wasn’t working that night, so he needed to concentrate more , you know lol Thanks for comment my friend 🙂

  • stldiscreet1 May 17, 2020

    VERY very serious. I have dealt with guys like this and they are so serious because they don’t want you to think they’re REALLY into a guy pleasuring them….. but that SUPER hard dick gave him away. LOL LOL

    • victor May 25, 2020

      Right? Sometimes people just concentrate in what the guys says or react, for me the best way to measure the encounter is how HARD that cock is, and in this encounter you can see the answer , thanks for bringing this out baby 😉

  • June 7, 2020

    More BBC pls

    • victor June 11, 2020

      I hear you baby, working on that 😉

  • June 23, 2020

    more of him pls

    • victor June 26, 2020

      awww I wish baby if I only knew his whereabouts 🙂

  • October 31, 2020

    I wanna see him fuck you

    • victor November 5, 2020

      You know, that the fact that this beautiful BBC did not fuck me , it has been one of the greatest frustrations in my life lol

  • November 23, 2020

    He was upset toward the ending lol

    • victor November 25, 2020

      I know , mostly because the video player wasn’t working , so no pussy porn but he still got rock hard lol

  • November 25, 2020

    Muy buen video, un negro asi ( what a great video, a black guy like him )

    • victor November 27, 2020

      Me hubiera encantado que regresara para mas, gracias por comentar mi amigo 🙂 ( I would love to have him back for more, thanks for comment my friend 🙂 )

  • February 15, 2022

    I loved his look but he didn’t appreciate the great effort you made trying to make him happy!

    • victor February 18, 2022

      I know right? but it is ok, I will suck him again in a bit! 😉

  • NOIDTS October 20, 2022

    Taking a 10th look and reading the comments! Saw this scene a few years back and did not care for this man at all. Felt he did not treat you well and I was pissed. Needless to say, did nothing for me. Through the years I would go back and watch it periodically. Why? No clue. Well, just the other day I found myself coming back to the scene and I’m asking myself “WHY?”. Something is there so a new approach was taken. Cleared the brain (not easy) and decided to put my focus on his upper body and not where you are performing your cyclonic festival. I managed to achieve the mission 97% of the time but had to snag a glance one or twice!
    Anyway, through the session, his gaze was set 99% of the time. He made no sound. Almost no movement. But focusing on him was interesting. This time a caught (I believe) 3 fast glances looking down at you and also a momentary bend of the head back. These were HUGE considering the control he was exerting over himself. To let those out meant he allowed himself to express the feeling of pleasure! Was he nervous (not if that hard)? Or was this a curiosity that he had for some time (not gay) and was not sure he would go through with it even up until the time you tasted him.
    Sounds crazy!?! After seeing the scene through this lense, he is no longer rude. He is a man having a question answered and it is powerful on the psyche. Glad I watched it over the years and FINALLY had a light go off! That and reading comments from the Hunters and you gave me a new look!!!!! Rambled enough, finally can say…dude is hot. 🙂

    • victor November 1, 2022

      What amazing comment! I took my time to go through it a few times. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you finally saw in Beefcake Steven what I saw from the beginning. I haven’t look a video of myself from that perspective that you did (only the upper part), like you said it, it will be very interesting! You were on point in everything. It was a challenging situation, remember the fact that he couldn’t watch any porn, because back then I had an old DVD player that didn’t match the cheap hotel room lol we can all finally say out loud: dude is hot!!!! Thanks baby 🙂

  • February 28, 2023

    Great model!

    • victor February 28, 2023

      OMG one of my favorites BBC, it was SOOOO hard ummm. Thanks for commenting baby 🙂

  • June 3, 2024

    gorgeous man but looks like he is not into it.

    • victor June 3, 2024

      He doesn’t supposed to be into it 😉

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