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To our most valuable members, we would like to thank you so much for your support during these challenging times and we want you to know that we couldn't do it without you!

During this period of time our entire staff are working hard to continue in providing you with weekly entertainment. We always believe in being straight forward and honest with our members and so we wanted to share with you some temporary updates to our content delivery procedures and what to expect.

We take our health very seriously and are doing everything we can to get through these challenging times safely. At some point we may include some videos based on old footage and/or creative content that has never been seen before. This is only temporarily and we are hoping you will find it as entertaining as always while we can get through this together.

Last, we at BCH again want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, it is greatly appreciated!


Blond green eyes all american hottie pounding my latino ass!

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Blond green eyes all american hottie pounding my latino ass!, Beefcake Mark was in town hanging out with some friends but did not want to go back home the same night, and since the last filming we “bounded”, he contacted me and asked if he could spend the night at my house, hmm… What you would say in my place? What a hard question right? OF COURSE YESSS!  I wanted to take the opportunity to have another video with him and film that night, but we drank a lot and were very drunk to make a good shooting … And l’m glad we did not, because the next day Mark was more loaded and horny!  I started shooting when he was still asleep, to have a more romantic and yet sexy perspective of this hottie, I started to lick his balls, his legs and I sucked him from different angles, I finally had him pound me hard … hmm, but the part that I enjoyed the most was when he began to roll his eyes back, just when he is about to cum … I got my whole face full of cum!  Remember Beefcake Mark: “Mi casa es tu casa”

     Blond green eyes all american hottie pounding my latino ass!

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  • silvanonunes12 May 14, 2016

    mark is SOOOO hot. He dont know his potential. he fucks so good. he’s very hot ans beaultiful.

    • victor May 15, 2016

      I totally agree with you, I love his confidence and his total enjoyment of the moment, thanks for comment my friend , obrigado 🙂

  • Remilious July 13, 2016

    I wish He could come back and watch you suck his toes….that would send me over the edge

    • victor July 13, 2016

      I know, but Mark is no around anymore, I hope he contact me if he is back in Florida for vacations 🙂

  • emrsn3 October 3, 2016

    Nothing’s better than a mushroom head and body hair. Hot guy.

    • victor October 5, 2016

      You are absolutelly my friend, oh man I miss Mark so much, I hope he is doing fine 🙂

  • March 24, 2017

    Me gusto la escena los hispanos le decimos el mananero pero como que le falto CANDELA !!!

    • victor March 27, 2017

      jajajaj si , un palo mananero! si le falto un poquito en la parte de la penetracion, pero el chico estuvo siempre durísimo! 🙂

  • flyairboy1 March 31, 2019

    God he is Gorgeous!!!

    • victor April 15, 2019

      Yeah he is, I believe he is engaged now and back at his hometown, I wish he still around for more, Thanks for comment my friend 🙂

  • demonred May 26, 2020

    MMM the best its to see your beautiful bubble butt Vic and you jerking,mm made so horny..uff Love it

    • victor June 1, 2020

      lol thanks baby! I am so happy that you enjoy this scene 🙂

  • January 15, 2021

    what a stud, easily the sexiest man you have had! more Mark please!!!

    • victor January 29, 2021

      Yes I am missing so much this young man, I am glad you like him as well my friend, thanks for comment 🙂

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