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Beefcake Pacman first time fucking a guy

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Beefcake Pacman first time fucking a guy.

Beefcake Pacman first time fucking a guy video was made with his wife’s blessing. Here at BeefCakeHunter Land we LOVE these type of women, I would call them the “Beefwives” of the world. I know there are many of them out there that we think, if you are one of them, reading this: talk business, send me your sexy Beefcake husband and get a lifetime membership at BCH!

But, nobody is perfect, so she had a rough time and so did Pacman, the night before this shooting. That is why he was so sleepy that morning, but all that sleepiness went away as soon I started placing my playful mouth between his legs, licking his hot pink balls and amazing cock!

I knew he was a little nervous about being able to perform. After all, this was going to be Beefcake Pacman first time fucking a guy, that is why I made the oral session very long, taking my time to play with sexy hairy chest and nipples, I know some of you like that ;). Pacman did not disappoint with his facial expressions; he even grabbed my head when I was deep-throating him and I LOVE when he stares at me while I am being a dedicated cock sucker LOL, he also seems to love when I kissed his legs, he just rolls his head back…

For it being the first time, I thought it would be easier for him to pound me on my fours, and it was a slow start, but a few minutes later he got rougher and verbal. Then he asked to switch to a stand-up position for him, I was ok with it as long he was comfortable. He went fast and then slow, and then fast, and I was just there receiving his cock as a good bottom. I did not dare to ask for another position because he told me that this was the only one that would make him cum!

A few minutes later he started moaning and then pouring his VERY big load on my butt, it was warm and thick, my ass was very happy, you can see it started dancing LOL. He also gave me some final slapping on my butt. Pacman ended up very tired but happy to be able to accomplish that morning gig. I hope you guys enjoy this video Beefcake Pacman first time fucking a guy.

                     Beefcake Pacman first time fucking a guy

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  • bttm_mx90 April 24, 2019

    Woooow, how lucky his wife is! It was amazing to watch him fucking you… he is so beefy and masculine… Totally enjoyed it!! Thank you Vic

    • victor April 29, 2019

      You are very welcome my friend, I am so happy that you enjoyed this video 🙂

  • PrinceEss April 24, 2019


    • victor April 29, 2019

      yeah! that is the word 😉

  • April 24, 2019

    I was anxiously just waiting for this one! The guy is FREAKING HOT!

    • victor April 29, 2019

      I knew you were going to like him, thanks for comment baby 🙂

  • Sexiboi2014 April 24, 2019

    Omg he is like perfect

    • victor April 29, 2019

      I am so glad you like him a lot, thanks for comment my friend ?

  • April 25, 2019

    Happy Dance… I love this guy!

    • victor April 29, 2019

      Hahahaha yeahhh happy dancing baby! ?

  • April 26, 2019

    I was wondering when Pacman would be back in BCH Land. I like him. Those balls are juicy looking. . Guess you like them too. So hot when he holds your head down on his dick. In the brief look at his feet, I saw you made his toes curl. That means you are doing something right. Great deep throating , Vic. His body reactions are really turned on. I like his thick manly thighs. I was very happy to see my friend the mirror placed strategically for me to see his hot ass in action. I guess thee should be a category for “ass hunters” too. Put me in that group. LOL. The standing fuck was really hot. I told you last time that Pacman was with you that he wouldn’t be a gentle fuck and I sure was right. He worked you over, Vic. Maybe you noticed that I passed on last week’s session with Luis.

    • victor April 29, 2019

      Nice big pink balls right? Pacman’s cock is perfect for deep-throat action for sure, what I love Pacman is that he very masculine and for been the first time fucking a guy, I think he did a great job, again I am so glad that you enjoy his ass view while he was pounding me, thank you my “ass Hunter” friend ?

  • danirile80 April 27, 2019

    We are celebrating Fiesta week in San Antonio, right now, and you bring back SA’s best to help us celebrate! Wasn’t that nice of you? VIVA FIESTA!
    I love the way Pacman gives you that intense look when you are servicing him. I totally agree with you that one of the best parts of the video was when you discovered Pacman’s erogenous zones (aka the male g-spot) on his inner thighs. He was totally in your control and you could have had your way with him! I want to see more of you finding the Beefcakes’ erotic spots and making them squirm. moan, and writhe in ecstasy.
    Pacman is welcomed back any time that he wants to. The way he worked your hole with his pistoning hips. we will see him, again. I think Pacman and Phill have moved up my list as some of the best White guys that we want to see a BCH Land {along with Edward (where is he?), Jason, and Justin|.

    • victor April 29, 2019

      Wow I did not know that, but wow I am so glad I did help with the celebration, sometimes I think I have a six sense LOL, I am going to google it and learn more about it! You are so right about the intensity of Pacman looks, and discovering the Beefcakes erogenous zones will always be my task! I am glad you asked for Justin, he is recuperating for an accident that he had, nothing serious but he needed some rest, I think that soon I will be enjoying his tool again, stay tuned my friend! 🙂

  • edily8005 April 28, 2019

    I live in a trailer park and this guy reminds of a new neighbor from last year. I saw him outside, shirtless, planting flowers. I went over and he said his name was Butch and he sure was. I finally got the never to comment on his tats and he glared at me and went back to work. I figured that I had screwed up. A few days later he showed up at my door with a six back of beer, two missing, and asked if he could see my house. After no more that 5 minutes, he told me he had to piss. He didn’t shut the bathroom door, but I was too afraid to look in. He came out with his pants unbuckled and told me he had a special tattoo. Asked if I wanted to see it. He told me I would have to get down on my knees to see it better. He then lowered the front of his jockey shorts and just above his bush it said “Suck It”. He looked down at me and said, “that cock ain’t gonna suck itself” I opened my mouth and don’t remember much more. He grabbed the back of my head and really started fucking my mouth. It didn’t take him long to wash my tonsils with cum. I only got to taste his cum was when he dragged the head across my tongue as he was pulling out. He pulled up his pants and left. He’s been back 3 other times and it’s the same thing. I love it.

    • victor April 29, 2019

      Wow my friend, what a hot story, I would love to know how the guy looks! I am very happy that you enjoyed that experience and that BCH Land bring you all those memories back to you to share them with us! kisses baby ?

  • Sexdreams May 16, 2019

    Wow con Pacman. Menudo hombre como te folla, creo que si vuelve lo hará aún mejor y estará aún más suelto y te dará la caña que mereces jajaja
    Un buen video Vic.
    Como siempre te pregunto…quién regresará próximamente, a quién y qué podremos ver? 🙂
    (Wow with Pacman. What a man how he fucks you, I think that if he returns he will do better and he will be more loose and give you the pounding you deserve hahaha. A good video Vic.
    As always I ask you … who will return soon, to whom and what can we see? 🙂

    • victor May 17, 2019

      Que bueno que te gusto Pacman, el es un hombre dulce y con buena verga jajajaja, buena combinación! Te cuento que un video como el que hice con Christian, solo oral viene con Jacobo, Justin y Abdel están en la mira para nuevos videos, y estoy trabajando en conseguir un par de nuevos Beefcakes, desease suerte mi amigo! (Good thing you liked Pacman, he is a sweet man with a good cock hahaha, good combination! I tell you that a video like the one I did with Christian, only oral, it is coming with Jacobo, Justin and Abdel are in the crosshairs for new videos, and I’m working on getting a couple of new Beefcakes, wish me luck my friend!)

  • beefcaker July 29, 2019

    This man is sexy af! I know it’s been a little while but maybe look him up and see if he needs to buy the wifey something nice and wants to come by for another visit to BCHL? Him and Kip may hit it off well enough for an interesting afternoon.

    • victor August 5, 2019

      I am so glad you enjoyed this sexy man, it has been a while since last time I spoke with him, I will reach out to him to see what is he doing, thanks for comment my friend 🙂

  • November 15, 2019

    Sexy as fuck I bet that dick was nice

    • victor November 16, 2019

      Yes it was, I am so happy that you like him 🙂

  • November 19, 2019

    Please have him back..I love how he fucked you and the faces he made! Fucking hot!!

    • victor November 21, 2019

      yeah he made very hot faces, I am so glad you like him 🙂

  • Landojim April 24, 2020

    Victor you must be a sweetheart “in real life” these guys are truly fond of you! I thought Pacman was only Mr. Serious, but when he finished shooting that load he smacked your ass in such a “playful” way; that sign of personality was a testament to your loving nature.

    • victor April 28, 2020

      Wow baby thanks for those words of appreciation, most of the Beefcakes are also sweethearts, so there is no other way to behave with them lol 😉

  • danirile80 October 31, 2021

    It is a minor miracle that you get these hidden beefcakes to fly from all corners of the US, get naked, suck and pound your hole on camera! I believe Pacman was from Texas (along with one of my Top Ten Beefcakes, Kane). He had such a quiet and introverted demeanor until you unleashed your special BCH powers on him. After that, the beast was unleashed! More Beefcakes from Tex-ASS😄

    • victor November 2, 2021

      You are right, he said he was from Texas, and yeah I brought the beast out of him for our pleasure, thanks for noticing that my friend 🙂

  • April 26, 2024

    Omg.. I remember watching you deepthroat him on his first visit. Was sooo fire watching him fuck you. Love to see more of him in the future.. His just too sexy with Bad Boy Vibes.. love how he watches you take his cock everytime down your throat.. truly amazing.. I’d love to see more of him. 👌🏾

    • victor April 26, 2024

      I know Pacman was very intense. I would love to see him again. Thanks for commenting baby 🙂

  • April 28, 2024

    Love to see more of Pac-Man please.. especially him in his construction gear and work boots coming to see you

    • victor April 28, 2024

      I would love that too my friend, but it has been years. I know he still have my number 😉

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